Spiritual Warfare Tactics Every Christian Should Know Part 1

Engaging in spiritual warfare is kind of scary if you are new at it. In this article, I’m going to be sharing some tactics that every Christian should know. I’ve learned so much from the Holy Spirit about warfare during my journey of ranking up in the spirit realm and I’m always hungry for more knowledge.

Recently, I was reading a spiritual warfare book by Dr. Daniel Olukoya and I was inspired to write this blog because I had experienced first hand, a lot of what he was describing in the book. These rules are tried and true! These rules are very important to know and to practice so let’s get into them. 

The very first rule is to make sure you are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. Always be ready to endure the battle. You are going to have to build your spirit man and physical body to be relentless. 

This means to increase your capacity in prayer and fasting. Each month expand your prayer time and push your self to eat less for longer periods of time in fasting. Once you have these basics in order, the following rules are going to be a breeze. Let’s dive into it!

Remember We Serve A Champion Who Has Never Lost A Battle

Your confidence needs to be in God alone. God has never been defeated. The devil is already defeated. If you keep this in mind you will already be in a position to win the battle. 

Always Get Your Strategy From God

Never ever go into battle without asking the Lord should you go! You may enter into a battle that God alone needs to handle. Joshua and David would always ask God should we go up to fight? God told them yes or no. Most of the time when God told them to go, God had already defeated the enemy. The times when they went and God did not tell them to go, they went beaten severely. Always get your strategy from God. He knows the beginning from the end. 

Know The Word of God Throughly

The only way you can fight the enemy successfully is by praying the word of God. When you begin to pray, you have stepped onto the battle field. If the enemy runs up to you with a shotgun, you need to have a bazooka!! An army tank!!! You better not pull out a knife! The bazooka is the battle scriptures that are in the Bible! The knife is a representation of you begging God make the enemy stop bothering you. The only way you can pray scripture at the drop of a hat, is you have to know it. How do you know it? You gather the scriptures and say them out loud daily! It’s imperative that you do this. You can have your scriptures written and read them while you are in prayer. This method is tried and true! It works every time.

Be Sure You Do Not Possess Anything That Belongs To The Enemy 

Get rid of all idols, tarot cards, crystals, sage, magic books, and all other cursed items out of your house. The enemy will use these items as a point of contact in your home. Once the enemy knows that you have their items in your possession and you are trying to fight against them, all hell will break loose in your home. Do not engage in warfare until you have removed these items from your home and heart. 

Direct Angels Into Your Battle By Using The Word Of God

Bless the LORD, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His word, Heeding the voice of His word.

Psalms 103:20

When you speak the Word of God, you direct the angels of God in battle. Whatever scripture you say, they do. Use the help God gave us. 

You Have The Power To Cause The Enemy To Destroy Themselves

Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world. The Bible says whatever we bind on Earth shall be bound in the Heavens and whatever we loose on Earth shall be loosed in the Heavens. One of my favorite loosing prayer points that I say is “ I loose confusion and civil war to destroy the camp of my enemies! Do you remember the Israelites would go out to fight their enemy but God cause the enemies to fight themselves? Use the power God gave you!!

That prayer point works like nobody’s business. When you start engaging in spiritual warfare, God will show you what damage your prayer did in the spiritual realm by way of a dream. If you pray that prayer point for a few minutes a day, you will get dreams of snakes fighting each other. You may get a dream of people fighting each other that came to a function together. This is a clear sign the prayer point is working. Keep praying it!

Your Level Of Commitment To God Will Determine Your Success

If you are hot and cold with God. Don’t even bother with spiritual warfare. It’s going to do more damage to you than it will help you. If your loyalty and faithfulness to God is unbreakable, you are more likely to win the battle. The longer you can stay consecrated, the more power you will obtain. You will receive warnings on what the enemy is planning to do, the battle plan to defeat the enemy, and revelation from God to rank up and move forward to get to the next level. 

Stick With The Resources That Strengthen You

If you have a prayer strategy that is working stick with it! When you identify your strengths, continue to maintain or strengthen that trait and thrive on it. If you can pray for hours and hours, continue to increase your capacity in prayer. If you love reading and studying the word of God continue to do this. This is going to help you win the battle in your life. 

When The Battle Gets Tough Keep Going

Do not stop! Do not give in. You will reap if you faint not!! The tenacity to keep going will build resilience in you, which will cause you to be relentless against the enemy. You need this to defeat the enemy. Keep going!! 

Attack The Enemy’s Communication

This goes hand in hand with “you have the power to make the enemy destroy themselves”. In Genesis, God saw the people building the tower and He said because they are all on one accord they are going to accomplish this thing they set out to do. So He confused their language. They were no longer on one accord and the building had to stop! Use this tactic against the enemy. Here is a prayer point for you. I decree that the language and communication of my enemy will be confounded with confusion in the name of Jesus! Pray that for a few minutes and the enemy will have to go back to the drawing board. Haha! 

Keep Your Warfare Plans A Secret 

When God gives you a battle strategy, tell absolutely no one. Do not let it leave your lips. There are these spirits called monitoring spirits. Their sole purpose is to gather information and detail about you to report to the camp of the enemy.

This is how they plot against you! This is how they know what you have planned. The Bible says that a wise man is few with his words. If you tell someone what you are about to do, the enemy will hear you and they will try to attack your plans. Also you never know if the human you are talking to has the monitoring spirit in them. So use this tactic in the physical world as well.  You have to exercise wisdom in every circumstance when entering a spiritual warfare battle with the enemy. 

Learn How To Adapt To Change In Circumstances

You may have a certain time you pray and normally you don’t pray outside of your prayer schedule. Learn how to mix it up a bit. Sometimes you have to do a drive-by depending on what the devil throws at you. Let’s say the devil gives you a dream. As soon as you wake up you have to pray against that dream. If you don’t, whatever the devil programmed in your dream will come to past in the natural world. So in certain cases you have to be flexible at all times.  

There are so many spiritual warfare tactics that I’m going to have to make a part two! Stay tuned…

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani!

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