wait on God

How To Wait on God For Your Answered Prayer

Have you ever prayed for something, and it took a while for God to answer your prayer? Most likely, God is watching how you respond and the capacity of your faith while you wait. God gives three answers to prayers. Yes, no, and not yet. If you are waiting on a prayer to be answered, let’s go over things you should do and should not do while you wait on God. Let’s dive in. 

What Not To Do While You Wait On God

Do Not Go Outside Of God To Receive Your Answer

Let’s call our first witness to the stand. Come on up here, Saul! Haha! Do not be like Saul. When he didn’t receive an answer from God at the time he wanted the answer, he went to Satan for his answer. By going to a source outside of God, you are blocking your blessing and bringing a curse upon yourself. Even if God intended to send the answer to the prayer, you would stop it by seeking other gods. 

Saul went to a witch with a familiar spirit out of fear that the Philistines would win against Israel. By the time he left the witch, he was more terrified than he was before he walked in. His life ended with suicide. When you go to any sources outside of God, you will unknowingly leave with more than you bargained for. 

What would have happened if he waited on God? When you take matters into your own hands, you tell God you don’t need Him. It’s a smack in the face to God if He’s working things out on your behalf in the spirit realm, and you decide He is taking too long, so you go to Satan to obtain your answer. 

Whatever you receive from Satan, it’s going to come with more problems. Ask Saul. 

Any spiritual source outside of God is a no-no! Don’t do it!

How to wait on God

Do NOT Complain While You Wait

I want to call my second witness to the stand. Come on up, Children of Israel!! God hates it when we complain, especially when He is working to give us what we need and want. The Children of Israel complained so much they put word curses upon themselves. The first time they said they were going to die in the wilderness, God showed mercy. The second time they said it, God came into agreement with it. God let them die in the wilderness. 

Don’t complain yourself into your demise. You could be on the road to the promise land and almost there and start complaining, then God will send you into the wilderness. You can’t take that complaining spirit to the next level. Which is why the Children of Israel didn’t go to the next level. 

Think about a parent doing all they can for their child and instead of thank you, all you hear is complaints. It will make you want to slow down on doing things for your child. So think about how God feels. That’s the problem with modern Christians. We don’t stop to consider God and how He feels. God gets annoyed, just like we do. Replace your complaints with praise.

What We Should Be Doing While We Wait On God?

What we do while we wait on God matters a lot!

Make Sure Your Hands Stay Clean, No New Evil Covenants

Try your best not to sin or establish any new evil covenants while you are waiting on God to answer your prayers or ever. Be sure to have broken any old evil covenants as well. We have to live a life of repentance. Constantly turning from our wicked ways. You also have to be certain you are not walking in disobedience. Be sure to have done everything God asked you to do. Not completing tasks God has given you could be the hold up of your answered prayer. 

While waiting on God, you cannot have sin in your life. The devil will use this against you to stop your breakthrough. So during the waiting process, make sure you are evil covenant and sin free!

Keep Praying Until You See The breakthrough

Daniel kept praying until Arch Angel Gabrielle came to him to let him know what was going on. Pray until you get a breakthrough or an answer, letting you know if your prayer is God’s will. There is always a possibly that whatever you are praying for could not be in God’s will for your life. 

The Bible says we ought to pray without ceasing. Notice in the book of Daniel that when Daniel began praying, God sent the answer immediately! The devil and his agents fought the angels from delivering it to him in the second heaven. This still happens to this day! You have to keep praying until that breakthrough gets to you. Once you’ve received it, keep praying that the devil won’t steal it from you! 

Getting a prayer routine will help you pray without ceasing. Take a look at my blog article about maintaining a prayer life here. 

Praise And Worship God Like You Already Have It.

Speak those things which are not as though they were. After praying for my breakthrough, throughout my day I just randomly say Lord, I thank you for my new this or that. I watched my grandmother do that as a little girl, and she got everything she would thank God for. Even though she didn’t have it yet. 

This is exercising your faith! Imagine if the children of Israel had that type of faith going into the promise land. Instead of doubting God, they praised God for bringing them from Egypt and worshiped God for taking them to the promise land that they hadn’t seen yet. Do you know how different that story would have gone?

Make your testimony a beautiful story! When you tell your testimony, let it be known that you waited patiently on God to deliver your breakthrough. Let it be known that you praised Him in advance and He rewarded you with what you prayed for and He included a cherry on top. God is good for adding things into your blessing that you never even asked for. Your testimony will bring others to Christ. They will think well, if God did it for them, He can do it for me! This also helps others to stretch their faith in God, which is always the goal.

I pray this blessed you. 

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What Are Offensive and Defensive Prayers

Understanding Covenants With God VS The Devil

With Love, 

Your Sister Tiffani!

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