
A little bit about me.

All my life I grew up in church, but I only went because my mom made me go. I was on the youth praise team, the choir, and on the dance team at church but I wasn’t on God’s team. I had no relationship with God at all!

Fast forward to my adult life, I moved away from my family to Atlanta GA, had a son, and a tough time! I came back home and my parents were witnessing to me, but I did not want to hear it because I was having a good ole time living in sin. I wasn’t happy, but I still kept running from the call of God.

Then, one day my son came down with an illness and I took him to the best doctors in town, but they couldn’t help him. I then turned to God and said if you heal my son I will serve you with my entire life. I went on a fast and told God, I’M NOT COMING OFF THIS FAST UNTIL HE IS HEALED. I was on the fast for nine months and God healed him. During that nine months, I fell head over heels in love with God and couldn’t believe I was running from this love all of my life.

During the nine months, God taught me so much about who He is and so much about myself. He literally put a mirror before me and I didn’t like what I saw. So, I asked Him to help me change and He gave me step by step on how to let the old me go and walk into the new me.

Now that He has molded me into what He called me to be, (and don’t get me wrong I’m still being shaped and molded because its an on going process) He has released me to share with others what He has taught me. Allow me to be your big or little sister as I walk you through my experiences. I pray they bless you like they blessed me. Welcome to The 222 Experience!

Things To Expect During Your Transformation.

You are going to be uncomfortable. You can not expect change and comfort in the same area of your life.

Discipline! As a true believer in Christ, you will be trained by the Holy Spirit himself. You will have me as a tour guide to lead back to the Holy Spirit! You have to have 100% discipline and obedience to God during this process.

OFFENSE!! Your old friends and some family are not going to like this new you!! You are going to receive backlash but you WILL get use to it because the love of God will comfort you through the process.

THE BEST LOVE YOUV’E EVER ENCOUNTERED IN YOUR LIFE!! God filled this void I didn’t even know I had in my life and you can experience the same!

Development of Spiritual Gifts. As you walk with God, he is going to start showing you who He made you to be and He will give you the tools you need to tap in to the spirit realm. Gifts like seeing things before they happen in dreams, word of knowledge, gift of deliverance, etc!

And so much more!!!

Why the name


I treat my birthday like my new year. While the world is planning to reset their lives on January 1st, I reset my life on February 22nd. I set spiritual, emotions, financial, physical and career goals on my birthday!

I’ve grown so much by setting my goals, but I’ve notice that I’ve grown the most spiritually. While I will be sharing things outside of my Christian walk, I must say I wouldn’t have achieve those goals if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit guiding me. God cares about all aspects of your life. So stay tuned with me as I share the powerful results I achieved through my experiences. The 222 Experience. ❤️