how to love god

God, Teach Me How To Love You

So, last week in the evening, I was spending time with God and I asked, “God, how can I deepen my love with You?” He then gave me a list that would please Him and create a more in-depth bond between us. I usually only share materials that I’ve already experienced, but He wanted me to share these with you before I made these apart of my routine. As I’m implementing these tactics of how to love God in my life, you can implement them in yours as well.

Remove Your Idols

The first task you have to do to please God is removing the other gods in your life. God stated He would have no other god before Him. When God says He will not have any other god before Him, this can be in a sense of first place, second place, and it can also mean in His presence. I began thinking about the things that I put before God, and the initial thing that came to my mind was social media. 

The social media platform that claims the most of my time is YouTube. It’s a distraction and a time killer. I immediately began thinking about backing away from YouTube to give God that time. 

You can go on a social media platform to look at one thing and then something else catches your eye and the next thing you know, an hour is gone. This time could have been devoted to God or to the assignments God gave to you. If you’re not careful, where your time is spent could be considered a god if its a considerable amount of time.

Think about the things that you think you cannot live without. That feeling is how you should feel about God. Our God is a very jealous God, and all He wants to do is to be the Lord and Savior of our lives. Once you allow Him to be your Lord, success in all areas of your life will come. 

Have you ever seen a person who will ask God to move in their relationship or their finances but won’t authorize Him to tell them about their children? It’s because their children are an idol to them. 

Take inventory of where your time is going and what things you put before God. Be careful not to displease Him in these matters.

Include Me In Every Decision, Including The Small Ones 

While communing with and learning how to love God, He stated, “I want you to be happy in every area of your life.” He’s that dad that just wants to see his children succeed. So when it comes to decision-making, He wants to be included. 

We have to understand that God knows the end from the beginning, and we don’t. So why not seek Him about every little detail of our life, every decision that we make, He should be included. It would save us so much heartache and pain if we would just seek God from the beginning. Let’s allow Him to tell us what our next move should be. 

Reflect on the times that you made a decision and you regretted that choice. Then, we always think back and say, God, I should’ve asked you about that. When we don’t consult Him, He will allow us to live through the decisions that we carried out as a lesson learned. We always have to include Him in everything we do as Christians. He is our Father.

Date Me Consistently / All I want To Do Is Spend Time With You

When God told me to set up date nights with Him twice a week, it melted my heart. I thought this was so sweet of Him. He said, all I would like to do is spend time with you. I love my children, and what I crave from them the most is their time and obedience. ‘

Begin dating God. Set the atmosphere for Him to come in and commune with you. Ask Him questions like, is there anything I can do for You, God? How can I serve You to please You, God? Once we as Christians get this heart posture, we will begin to see the purest form of love from God. Spending time with God and experiencing His love has taught me how to love my family differently. I look at them through the eyes of God. While learning how to love God, we have to treat Him like He is our King and not as our genie in a bottle. He has feelings, just the way we do. 

Dating God will increase your intimacy with Him. Try reading His word, communicating with Him like you would have a normal conversation with the regular human being. His trust for you and your trust for Him will grow immensely! You will notice yourself speaking to Him before you talk to your spouse or closest friend. You will find yourself leaning on Him and talking to Him out loud, even in the grocery store! Haha! (I do this all the time and don’t care that other people are looking at me like I’m talking to myself.) 

A few things you can do to date God is set a time when you know you’re going to be by yourself, with no interruptions. Light a candle (not for ritual purposes), get your Bible, dim the lights, and create an intimate atmosphere by starting with worship so that you can invite God in to commune with you. 

Have questions and the things that have been on your mind, ready to ask Him.  This will start the conversation and grow the relationship between you and the Lord. Try dating twice a week and email me to let me know your experience. I am doing this with you as well so we are in this together.

Surrender Your Agenda

One of the last tactics in how to love God is, giving it all to God. Be willing to give up everything you wish to do and let God control your life. When I say give up everything this may even be your dreams. Your dreams, goals, and plans may not be what God has planned for your life. Your plans may not be God’s will for your life. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow but Jesus said leave everything and follow me.

When I let go of my plans for my life and began allowing God to dictate what I do daily, my life elevated to another level. The primary key here is obedience. Obedience will draw you to God and an unbreakable connection. This is where you will see miracles, signs, and wonders begin to happen in your life. 

It’s for our own good that we obey. We’d like to think that we know what’s best for ourselves, but the truth is, God’s plan is better. He knows our desires, so He won’t leave those out when He plans our lives, as long as they line up with His will. He knows the beginning from the end. Likewise, He knows what trouble we are going to get ourselves into, and He knows the way that we should go. 

Practicing immediate obedience is vital in learning how to love God because we never know when our lives could depend on it. Becoming obedient to God would make our lives so much easier and smoother. We would not have so many negative cycles in our lives if we just gave up control of our lives and handed it over to God.

Is there anything that God told you to do, and you haven’t done it yet? It would really please God and benefit you if you did it. It probably would also move your life forward to success or your purpose.

So these are some things God, showed me to get a strong connection with Him. Try these for thirty days and email me your results. I would love to hear from you.

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani!

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  1. Why. Is. This. So. GOOD!??! These are things that will truly enhance your relationship with God. I LOVE the idea of date night with God, surrendering your agenda and asking “How can I love you more?” When I asked, He told me to continue to be obedient. He is simply AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing this blog!!

  2. This is very insightful. I don’t believe many of us even think about asking this question to God. Most of the time we just want something from Him. Imagine if we would just actually ask Him about giving Him our love how He wants it. So powerful.

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