hot christian meaning

How To Become and Stay A Hot Christian

In this article, I’m going to give you step-by-step guide on how to become and stay a hot Christian.

God said in Revelation 3:15-16, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

So let’s get into how to please God by becoming a hot Christian and staying a hot Christian.

 And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings.

Leviticus 6:12 KJV

Develop Discipline and Consistency 

If you want anything in this life, you have to discipline yourself to get it. When the motivation is gone, all you will have left to keep going is discipline. The best way to create discipline, is to get a routine. Jesus should be in your everyday routine. I mean we do want Him to cover, protect, and guide us everyday right? So we should consider Him every single day. 

Adding God into your everyday routine keeps the intimacy between the two of you going and is a for sure way to keep your fire hot. Considering God in your everyday actions and decisions pleases Him and also keeps logs on your fire. 

At first, this is hard if you are not use to doing it. It’s so easy to just go about your day and not consider what He thinks about this and that in your life. It’s also easy to get caught up in your day and forget to read the word or pray. When you create a routine that has God flowing through it, you create a brand-new life for yourself. Literally! You are programming the life God has for you in the spirit realm to manifest into the natural realm.

Your routine should look like prayer, worship and reading the word in the morning. Get up an hour earlier than what you usually would and create a morning routine dedicated to God. Pray on your lunch, listen to the word while you are working or on the way home, and pray before you go to bed. When you stick to this, then it becomes consistency. When you are consistent with God, you rank up in the spirit realm. That’s when the power that Jesus demonstrated in the Bible comes and makes you a hot Christian. 

Remember when God asked this in Isaiah 6:8, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” When you stay consistent with God, you gain His trust and He will begin to send you out to do missions for Him. The most important thing to God is souls, and He will begin to trust souls with you. 

When you master the discipline and consistency, everything else will come with ease.

Develop Faith That Scares You

I was on the phone with my mom yesterday and I told her I was going to have a brand-new car that was paid for in a couple of months and I have no clue how! Haha! To be honest, I’m not even going to try to figure it out, either. That’s God job. I speak the word and have the faith that I know it’s going to come to past. I’m expecting it! 

You ever encounter a person who worries about everything? They try to figure out every little detail of how it’s going to happen. That’s because their faith is on zero while their doubt is on one hundred. When you have one percent of doubt in your mind, you have zero percent faith in GOD. 

Every situation you’ve worried about always worked itself out. Every one of them. You wasted that time worrying and doubting God when you could have been worshiping Him in advance. 

I remember a time I was in prayer and I couldn’t concentrate because I was worried about a surgery my son was having and the bill that came along with the surgery. God said this to me plain as day, “What’s the point of you having Me, if you are going to take care of all your problems yourself?” That blew me away!!! I repented for having doubted God, and I gave Him my problems.

From that day to this one, I’ve never doubted God because He took care of my son! Heal him and I didn’t get a bill. One thing we have to stop doing is trying to figure out how God is going to move. It’s His business how He blesses us. It’s our business how we wait on the blessings. 

The three things we need to do when waiting on God is to keep our faith on one hundred, worship, and praise like we already have it, and stay out of sin. You can cancel or prolong that blessing when you sin. That’s the main reason those prophecies that you’ve gotten years ago haven’t come to pass yet. Make sure you position yourself to receive what God has for you and remember your faith ain’t big enough if what you are asking for doesn’t seem impossible. Develop crazy faith, and you will be on your way to becoming a hot Christian!

Hot Christians Don’t Go A Day Without Praying The Word Of God

One thing my mentor always says is “Flies don’t land on a hot skillet”. Every time you pray, you put a log on the fire. 

The most powerful thing on this earth is the Word of God. It controls the heavens. It can and will program your life if you speak it regularly. Not only that, but it will make a demon back up immediately! There is one clause with that. There has to be no willful sin in your life. 

Once you have confessed your sins and asked God for forgiveness, then began to speak the word of God consistently, you are bound to see everything you speak manifest in your physical life. 

Remember this and keep it with you always. Everything happens in the spirit realm first, then it comes to the physical realm. The physical realm that we live in is a by product of the spirit realm. For example,  God is a spirit, and He spoke the world into existence. Your words are powerful, so watch what you say!

You cannot speak curses and speak the Word of God and expect the Word of God to come to past! You can’t be a double-minded man! Train yourself to speak the Word of God only. Remember this always, the longer you stay in prayer, the hotter your fire becomes. Start a habit of praying two hours a day, then build up your prayer life from there. Your life is going to change forever.

If you encounter any problems in your life, go to the Bible and get every scripture that speaks to that situation, and set a specific prayer time for that problem daily.  So for example, every day at 11am you will speak nothing but the scriptures when praying for that issue. Watch how that issue run away from you. Remember, you have to be consistent.

When everything is going good in your life, go to the Bible and gather the promises of God and speak them over your life. Do this everyday at a certain time. Make this a habit. Watch how your life elevate and the intimacy with God will increase. 

Hot Christians Don’t Go A Week Without Fasting

hot christian topics

(I’m not a doctor, nor I’m I commanding you to do this. Please check with God and your doctor first before you take on any fast. Do this at your own risk. If you have health issues, fast your time! Fasting your time means you will pray every hour on the hour for ten to fifteen minutes. OK? Let’s get into it!)

Now if you want to be hotter than the fiery furnace that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to go in, this is the key right here! If your doctor approves, set a weekly fast with about three days of fasting until noon, three in the afternoon, or six in the evening. Whichever you choose is fine. This is where discipline comes in. Tame the flesh! 

You want to work your way up to fasting for a whole day. Then multiple days at a time. If you are not used to fasting multiple days with no food, take it slow! Fast this month one whole day with water. Then next month two full days with water and so on. (Check with your doctor before doing this.)

Let me tell you this. When you fast three days or more days with no food, your fire becomes hot quickly!! When you come off the fast, your fire dies quickly. Demons will just wait for you to come off the fast and then attack you again. If you come off the fast and then go into a smaller fast like eat at 12pm daily, then this will cause your fire to come down, but the pilot will stay lit!

Now if you are doing this weekly, then you are an insuring that your fire is hot at all times. You are making sure you keep oil in your lamp. You will be one of those hot Christians that stay ready to confront the kingdom of darkness at all times.

Adding this method with speaking the word of God and staying far away from sin is the best way to stay hot for God. You will tap into blessings and the promises of God quickly if you are consistent. God will begin to show you things like the root of your problems, and He will give you a strategy on how to solve the problems. 

OK, so let’s go back over this. The first three days of the month, you fast with no food. Then you move into a smaller fast. Each week of the same month, you fast however many days the Lord leads you. 

  • Week One – (If you can) Three days no food. Fourth and fifth day fast until 12pm
  • Week Two – Three days fast til 12pm
  • Week Three – Three days fast till 3pm
  • Week Four – Three days fast till 6pm
  • Repeat

Obedience Is Key

Obedience is a key player in pleasing God. If God instructs you to do something, and you don’t do it, you fall into the category of sin. If God instructs you to do something, and you don’t do it when he tells you to do it, you could have missed a season in your life. Occasionally He gives it back, but how long do you have to wait for the season to come back? Only God knows. 

It’s better to do what God instructs you to do immediately than to procrastinate.

In order to be obedient to God, you have to have faith in Him, trust Him, and know His voice. The best way to learn His voice is to read His word. Once you study the Word of God, you will begin to hear and differentiate His voice above other voices. The Word of God is His voice! It allows us to see His nature and how He functions. Once you perceive the nature of a person, you can discern their characteristics. You will say He wouldn’t respond or move like that. It’s the same process with God.

Trusting God takes faith. God will meet you where you are. If your faith is little, He will help you by giving you a small task. Once you complete the task, He will move you up to a bigger task. If you do the task, He will say ok, they know My voice, and they trusted Me enough to do what I spoke. This will cause God to trust you, and it will grow your faith in Him.

If you are not sure if it were Him or not. Ask Him to send you a confirmation and He will. God asked me to do a three-day dry fast, and I wanted so bad for it not to be Him. No food or water for three days!! I replied Lord, if that was you, please send me confirmation. My dad called me ten minutes later and started asking me questions about how to do a three-day fast. 

I was like this is crazy!!! Haha! Knowing my flesh and Satan didn’t advise me to fast. I was trying to get out of it. I went on the fast and let me tell you, spiritual bondage broke in my life. You all I promise you its worth being obedient to God. As soon as He tells you to do it, do it. Your life could be on the line. 

Take this blog and apply it to your life! Discipline, consistency, faith, the word of god, prayer, and obedience are key players to keeping your fire hot and creating a hot Christian because we don’t do Luke warm around here! 

I pray this blesses you!

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With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani! 

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