prayer altar

How To Build A Prayer Altar

In this day and time, it is so necessary that Christians have a prayer altar. It’s vital! Today, we are going to dive into what a prayer altar is and how to build yours! Let’s get into it. 

How Do Altars Work? 

Spiritually, an altar is a portal to which the spirit you are calling on will display its powers and authority in your life. 

Where there is an altar, there is always a spirit at the altar. It is either the Holy Spirit, or an evil spirit. At every altar, there is always a covenant being created. 

Google defines an altar as a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity. This has some truth to it. A table is not always utilized. Sometimes it’s pyramids, sometimes it’s stones, sometimes it’s your prayer closet. 

In the Old Testament, the children of Israel used stones to create altars to sacrifice an animal for the remission of the Israelite’s sins. The priest would slaughter the animal to spread its blood on the altar. Then the priest would put the animal’s body parts on the fire. The animal would burn and smoke would rise to the heavens as a burnt sacrifice to God. 

Blood had to be shed for the sins of man. This is why Jesus died for us. He was the sacrifice for our sins. 

When you are dealing with altars, it is always spiritual. Whether it’s God or Satan at the altar . 

When God is at the altar, He grants freedom of sins, blessings, and life! When the devil is at the altar he offers destruction, curses, and death. The devil can only give what he has. He pretends he can give a solution to a problem you have, instead he will only multiply the problem.

When Jesus died for humanity, there was a new covenant put into place. In that new covenant we no longer have to slaughter animals for the remission of our sins. The covenant was for the people who wanted Jesus in their lives. So what about Satan and the demons? Who died for the evil spirits? No one! This means they still have to access power through altars the old fashion way with sacrifices and blood. 

We as Christians on the other hand still need to sacrifice something in order to obtain power as well. This sacrifice is our time and obedience to the Lord. Our altar is our prayer life.

If you are a Christian with a set time to pray every day, your prayer life is your altar. You showing up every day is the ritual. The sacrifice is your time or sleep, if you wake up early in the morning to pray. The best gift you can give God is your time, worship, and obedience. 

 Abraham erected an altar every time God blessed him. He erected an altar in the exact place God blessed him. 

As Christians, we should have altars for God. Not just the altar at church but we should have altars at home. Now, this doesn’t look like candles and a closet with a curtain. That’s not what your altar should look like. As a Christian our altars go with us everywhere we go. It’s our prayer life. A good way to exemplify this is to mark a day that God gave you a blessing. On that day you set a time to praise Him for that blessing every year on that day.

For example, God blessed you to get married. On your anniversary, every year, you and your spouse can dedicate three hours of praise and worship to God for blessing you with marriage. You can also do it for each prayer time. So for example, I want to pray every day at 3 o’clock for an hour, that’s an altar. No matter where you are, you’ll stop and you’ll pray. That’s what we call an altar as a Christian. 

Where there is an altar, there is a covenant! Altars are where most covenants are created. When you create a covenant with God, you must keep your end of the bargain. This does not mean you have to have a certain place in your home with candles, curtains, and pictures of Jesus in this area of your home. This is not what your Christian altar should be.

Your Christian altar should be your sacrifice of your time given to God every single day. Never, ever let the fire on your altar burn out. Your prayers are the fire that keeps your altar going. A Christian with a hot altar will always keep the enemy away. 

The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

Leviticus 6:13 

How Does The Enemy Use Altars?

Satan is a copy cat. He realizes what God put in place, is perfection. So he does the exact same things that God does, except he perverts it. With altars, he too requires a sacrifice. Sometimes it’s an animal and sometimes it’s human life. Sometimes he requires the human to be possessed by his demons, or endure sickness or hardship. 

Remember, there is always a spirit at an altar. The altar has no power, it’s the spirit operating the altar that’s empowering the altar. The altar is just a portal for the spirit. When you come to an evil altar, you are summoning the spirit of darkness to grant you what you want. This is very dangerous, because unlike God, the evil spirit will require something from you in return.

God makes us rich, and He adds no trouble to it. The enemy is going to add sorrow, trouble, and destruction to anything that he gives you. He will require a sacrifice from you. Whatever you ask for, he most likely will want you to dedicate it to him.

Only God can give blessings and add no troubles to it. 

There should never be a situation, where a Christian is ever at an evil altar. The only altar a Christian should be, is the altar erected for God in prayer.

The Strongest Altar Wins 

Now here is where you have to determine whether you want to succeed and break free more than the enemy wants to keep you bound. This is about your mindset and how consistent you are. You have to have a warrior mindset to win a spiritual battle. If you ever go up against an evil altar, go on a fast first then take back by force what the enemy stole from you.

If you’re following this step-by-step guide below. You will surely succeed. 

Step By Step to Build A Strong Prayer Campaign To Fire Up Your Altar

Every time you pray you put a piece of wood on your fire to keep your prayer altar going. Now, I think it goes without saying that you cannot have sin in your life while you are petitioning God for an answered prayer. Make sure your hands are clean. Make sure you have no demonic covenants in your life. Then you can move on to the next step. 

(Depending on what you are dealing with in your life, you may need to go to God to ask Him do you need to fast. This is just a guide to building a prayer altar for your everyday lifestyle.) 

  1. Gather Scriptures!! You cannot go to battle without a weapon. God is love, but He is also a man of war. He even equipped His angels with weapons so you know He is going to give us weapons as well. The scriptures in the Bible are DANGEROUS to the enemy. 

Hear me! Gather all the scriptures that align with your situation. Make them into prayer points and have them in the notes section of your phone. This way you can have them everywhere you go. Before you pray say those scriptures out loud. Eventually, you will memorize them, and they will flow out of you while you are praying. 

2. Schedule your prayers times. Choose three times a day. You know that will be uninterrupted. These times should be dedicated to God to praise, worship, intercede, war, get strategy and so on. 

3. CONSISTENCY is KEY!! When you schedule the prayer times make sure you show up. Once you schedule those times you’ve made a commitment to God. The Bible states it’s better to not make a vow than to make one a not fulfill it. Remember this, God is going to show up to every one of those prayers you scheduled, don’t stand Him up. 

4. Replace your entertainment with bible study, Christian books and sermons. You have to increase your knowledge about the spirit realm. You need to know your opponent and the more in-depth things of God. The Bible stated we perish for a lack of knowledge. It also states be not ignorant of the enemy’s device. So make sure you limit your time on social media and get in the word of God. 

If you stick to this regime, the power that you will obtain in the spirit realm will blow your mind. Try this for three months and if it works for you, email me and tell me all about it. I can’t wait to hear from you!

With love, 

Your Sister Tiffani!

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