Close The Open Doors In Your Life

In today’s article, we are going to talk about what open doors are and why you need to close them. 

An open door is sin in your life. Sin can open the door for the devil to come into your life and do whatever he wants to do. Satan can take one sin and create a domino effect of disasters in your life. For example, fornication is an open door to contracting an STD.  Going to witch doctors can lead to curses on your life and your children’s life. Stealing from your job can lead to you getting fired and losing your home. Do you see how opening the door to one sin, creates a trickle effect? 

All the devil needs is a crack in the door and he will try to squeeze his self in. What does a crack in the door look like? You’re married but you are talking to another person on the side, in a sexual way. You may not have done anything sexually with them but you are entertaining it. That’s a crack in the door. 

When you sin, you don’t instantly die in the physical realm instead you start to kill your connection with God! The more you sin, the further satan draws you away from God’s presence. Once you leave God’s presence, that’s when you start feeling like you can’t hear God. You feel like He is far away. You start questioning and doubting God. Once this has happened, satan has you right where he wants you. Lost and in the wilderness, so he can prey on you. Sin is a choice and you don’t have to choose sin. 

Here is a list of sins straight from the Bible. If you find yourself in any of these categories. Repent and draw closer to God! 

Biblical Examples of Open Doors

open door policy

Eve Ate The Fruit

This open door is affecting us to this day! Imagine how many open doors you have that are affecting your children. That’s another topic and we will get to that another day. 

Do you see in verse four, the devil told them they would not surely die and physically they didn’t! Their connection with God died instantly! God cursed the serpent and punished mankind. They were evicted from the presence of God, immediately. Brothers and sisters, outside the presence of God, is a dangerous place to be. 

David Counted The Census 

David allowed the devil to provoke him to pride! He counted the men to be able to say, I have so many thousand with me! God hates pride. David’s sin affected people who had absolutely nothing to do with what he did!! Are you seeing this pattern? 

David Committed Adultery With Bathsheba and Murdered Her Husband (His Soldier) 

God’s punishment against David 

Now, this story right here!! Lord have mercy! The Bible is so juicy! Let’s break this down. God’s punishment for David’s sin affected his children big time! His sin literally caused his family to be under a generational curse. This is how generational curses are formed and in David’s case, it continued throughout the family. Let’s look at how his family suffered from his actions. 

The child that Bathsheba was carrying died. Not only that, His son raped his daughter, his own sister! His other son killed the son that raped his sister. The son that killed the other son slept with David’s wife. Which is his mother in law! Lord have mercy! Then the same son tried to hunt David down to kill him! That son died. 

Just from all of the scenarios above, these are some of the evil spirits that David loosed in his family from sleeping with Bathsheba and killing her husband.

  • Spirit of Death
  • Spirit of Molestation
  • Spirit of Incest
  • Spirit of Fornication
  • Spirit of Adultery
  • Spirit of Lust
  • Spirit of Murder
  • Spirit of Anger and Rage

Do you see how his children were affected by his sin even though he repented? Reading this made me wonder what sin do I have in my life that I have repented for but my son is still dealing with the repercussions… 

Time To Get The Mirror

open door clinic

When reading stories like this, you should always put yourself in the character’s shoes and say I wonder if I’ve done anything that has affected the people around me? Trust me, we all have but we were unaware. Think about any ungodly covenants (agreements) you’ve made. 

Think about anytime you’ve come into agreement with devil by sinning. When you open the door to sin, where does that door lead to? You and your family are behind the door that you just opened to satan and let me tell you, satan does not play fairly. He ALWAYS targets the weakest link in your family. Usually it’s your children. The bible says you should train up a child in the way they should go and they won’t depart from it. The devil knows that rule so, he will do anything to train your child. Make sure, when you rank up in the spirit, that you teach your kids to rank up as well. 

Journal the things that you do/did that you would not do in front of God. It’s time to make your wrong doings, right, because they are affecting the people around you. 

Close The Doors To The Devil

open door notes

It’s important  that you get the sin out of your life immediately, if you plan on conquering the wiles of the enemy. You can’t fight the devil if you are holding his hand. If you are in agreement with the devil by sinning, as soon as you go to fight against him, he is going to slam you to the ground with that agreement you have with him. 

What does that look like? Let’s say your mother is suffering from cancer and you’ve found out it was because someone put witchcraft on her. You now want to pray against it. So you gather the scripture and start a war in the spirit realm by praying spiritual warfare prayers but you forgot that you steal from your job all the time. 

Guess what he is going to do to you. He is going to exposed you on your job so you can get fired. Now you’re fired, your mom still needs a miracle, and you are even more stress out. That’s what I mean by having no agreements with satan. You have to live holy at all times! 

One thing I want you to take away from this article is, your sins affect your children and your fore father’s sin are currently affecting you! Do you remember in the Bible when Gideon tore down the alters of Baal that his forefathers put up? You need to be the Gideon in your family. There is no telling what your great grandmother, great grandfather did back then, that’s now it’s affecting you! Tear down the alters warrior!

You have to live a holy lifestyle in order to defeat the devil. It’s no way around it. You have to live a holy lifestyle to please God. It’s no way around it. A life full of sin equals no pawer in the spirit realm. This includes the hidden sins of the heart like, jealousy, unforgiveness, envy, lust, pride, and so many others. 

When you pray, reject, revoke and renounce the agreement (sin) with the devil. Separate yourself physically from anything tying you to the agreement. If it’s an ungodly relationship, get rid of everything the person gave you. The devil will use that object you are holding on to as an opening to reconnect the soul tie. If you use profanity, don’t watch or be around people who curse. Guarding your ear and eye gates are important. You have to close your spirit. 

Rank Up!

open door policy significance

Its going to crucial that you get around like kind. You need to be around people that you can learn from. If you are trying to do right by God, get around people are into the deeper things of God. Praying is so crucial to your Christian walk. Try praying short prayers throughout the day if you are new to praying. Set an alarm and pray four to five times a day for fifteen minutes each prayer.  Go on a fast and ask God to break the evil bondages and yokes that you have created for yourself and your family. It’s vital that while you are breaking these evil covenants that you resist any further attempts to get you back into sin. 

Combat the devil with the Word of God like Jesus did. Now this is key. Don’t just do this for one day. Do this until it breaks and if it takes months, do it anyway. Your and your family’s freedom is worth it. Trust me!

I pray you apply this to your life. Rank up in the spirit realm to become the warrior God created you to be. You have to want your breakthrough more than the devil wants you to stay in bondage. Remember  that! I hope this blessed you the way it blessed me. 

With Love,

Your Sister, Tiffani! 

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