Breakthrough in your life

Six Reason You Aren’t Seeing Breakthrough In Your Life

There are so many times we get overwhelmed and wonder, when will I get my breakthrough? Let’s dive into six reason your breakthrough could be held up and how to fix it!

You have sin in your life. Sin is an open door to the devil and a legal right for the devil to come right on in. It’s imperative that you eliminate the sin in your life and live a holy lifestyle.

Sometimes we don’t even realize we are sinning until God points it out to us. That’s why it’s necessary to have a relationship with God, because He will guide us in the direction we should go. Things we don’t know, He will tell us. He covers us in ways we can’t imagine. It’s also essential to stay in the Word of God.

I remember the first time I was reading Romans by myself with a a solid understanding of what it meant. My mouth was open the entire time in shock from sins that I had been committing every day and didn’t know it. I had to stop reading and repent. I didn’t know!

So if you know there is sin in your life that you need to clean up, eliminate it. If you can’t think of any, ask God to reveal it to you. If He says you’re good to go then keep reading! 

Self Sabotage/ Your Words

You are one that’s stealing your blessing!! You may be doing it by being disobedient, not enough consecration, or the most common one, your words are disqualifying you! Yep, when you put word curses over yourself, you disqualify yourself from your blessing. Saying things like “I’m never going to get ahead in bills” or “I’m always broke” will definitely keep you broke. 

Proverbs 10:19 says ” In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.” Stay off the phone, that way you will not speak something to ensnare your life. I guarantee you, the longer you talk, you are bound to state something the devil can use against you. Most of the time, we don’t even know we are binding ourselves with our words. The Bible says an individual with a few words is a wise person. 

Everything that comes out of your mouth should be what God said about you! When you speak the word of God, the angels will make it happen in the spirit realm. Everything out of your mouth should speak life because as soon as you speak death the demons get to work on making those words come true. Remember, we will be judged by every idle word, so be wise in your speech.

Generational Curses

Generational Curses are not fair at all because how could I have possibly known that my great-grandmother was an eastern star and gave up all of her children’s and grandchildren’s marriages and some other things to the fourth and fifth generation? True story. 

I wouldn’t have known unless I sought after God to tell me what was stopping me from getting what I was praying for. The Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and EVERYTHING will be added unto you. 

I always wondered why did God have me on a fast for nine months when I got saved. I didn’t know He was uprooting the works of my ancestors in my life. I thank God for God! Haha! Now, how long are you willing to stay in God’s face to get to the root of your problem? 

Evil Altars/Witchcraft

If it’s not sin or generational curse, then it may be witchcraft. If chaos happens out of the blue and things are happening back to back, it could be witchcraft, or you are right at the edge of the breakthrough. Ask God to show you what the root of the problem is. If He shows you an evil altar or tells you it’s witchcraft, then make the evil altar your target in prayer.

When witchcraft is involved, it’s most likely someone that you know. Remember that as long as you are living a holy lifestyle, you have authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Also, remember that a curse without a cause cannot land. So if God warns you it’s witchcraft, you should check yourself to see what sin is in your life that gave the enemy the legal right to even allow the witchcraft to work on you. Destroy the witchcraft and evil altars in your life today!

Also, make sure you don’t have any idols in your heart or in your house. God will not have any idols before him. Make sure your children, spouse, job, house, or status are not more important to you than God is. 

You Quit Right At The Edge Of The Breakthrough

So many people get right to the point of the breakthrough and allow the devil to talk them out of continuing the fight. The symptoms of witchcraft and being at the point of the breakthrough can look similar. They both can look like attack after attack. You have to control your emotions when this happens, because this tactic is meant to overwhelm you. 

When you see this type of warfare in your life, double up in prayer and go harder. Imagine yourself at the gate of breakthrough and your hand is on the gate’s handle, about to go into the gate of promises and blessings, and the devil is on the other side, trying to keep the gate shut. He is sending you distractions so you can leave the gate. So many times, this tactic of the enemy works. Please don’t allow this to happen to you! Continue pushing in prayer no matter what. 

You’re Lazy

I’ve struggled in this category for a very long time, and it gets you nowhere fast. The truth is that many Christians would rather stand in the prayer line and allow the pastor to pray for them, instead of praying themselves out of situations. I’m not going to lie, that’s all I saw growing up, so that’s the way I thought it worked. Not knowing that the same Holy Spirit the preacher has, you have Him as well. The same demons the pastor can cast out, you can too! 

 I always say this, “When it’s judgement day, and you’re standing in front of God, your pastor will not be there with you. You can’t make it into heaven off a third-party service!”

I going to talk more on this topic because this affects more Christians than any other sin. I had to fight to get this procrastination, lazy, delay spirit off me, and I still have to battle it. You will never get your breakthrough if you are a lazy Christian. 

Start defeating laziness by creating routines and breaking bad habits. If you work at 9 am, and you don’t get up until 8am to get to work on time, start getting up at 7 to pray and then get dressed to go to work at 8am. Start with implementing two good habits of prayer and discipline a month and watch how your life changes. 

I hope this blesses you!

With Love,

Your Sister, Tiffani

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