Three Common Ways Demons Enter A Person!

There are so many ways demons enter into people. Today we are going to examine three very common ways they can walk through an open door in an individual’s life.

Demons Enter Through SEXSpiritual EXchange

Sex is the number one and easiest way to transfer a demon, outside of a generation covenant or curse. Sex was set aside for marriage. The two become one flesh to solidify the marriage. 

If an individual has evil spirits living within them, they will need to seek Jesus and deliverance. If they do not get the evil spirit cast out, then the evil spirit will begin to show up in the person’s every day life, ultimately to destroy them little by little. 

For example, if an individual has a pornography habit. This is a pornography demon, persuading the thoughts of this person to watch it. If the individual has entertained pornography before, then the demon will replay scenes of the films in their mind until the person gives in and watches the film again. Usually, the person will feel disgusted with themselves after they are done entertaining the film and other activity. 

This is an example of a demon using your body to fulfill the will of the demon. A lot of the time, the person is trying to stop the habit but will find it very hard. The person has to get the evil spirit out of them. The evil spirit is the influence that needs to be destroyed. 

When two single people have sex. Spiritual chaos breaks out. This is why God instructs us not to do it! Every so often, before salvation, I used to think God would instruct us not to do things because He wants us to live a boring life, but after receiving salvation I realized, it is for our own good. 

So let’s say this individual who has the porn problem, meets a young woman. They begin to date, and she does not watch those type of films. They are not married, but they have sex. Now, the young woman is having thoughts of watching the x rated films and she does not know why!

It’s because once the two unmarried people had sex, the made covenant with satan and they exchanged demons. Whatever is in him is in her and whatever is in her is in him because when two single people agree to have sex, they make an illegal covenant and become one! You also create a soul tie.

When you sleep with a person, you are not physically married to, you spiritually marry them. Jesus told the woman at the well, you have had five husbands and the one you are with now is not your husband. Five soul ties! This is why people struggle and they have mind battles. It’s because they allow evil spirits to deposit and defile the holy temple that only the Holy Spirit is supposed to live in.

Remember, SEX is a Spiritual EXchange!! 

Demons Enter While Exploring Spirituality Outside of Jesus

demons enter pigs

Any time you are pursuing a crystal for healing, a statue to save you, a tarot card to advise you of your future, you are in sin and idolatry. 

Operating in witchcraft is one of the fastest ways a demon can enter into you. These demons are called familiar spirits. They’ll try to mimic the voice of God. They’ll tell you a little truth about what happened in your past to gain your trust then, they’ll tell you what their future for your life is. God has a future for you and so does the devil.

John Ramirez (an ex warlock now evangelist) explained what happens when you go to witch for a reading. He said that when you go to a witch; the witch gets all of their information from a familiar spirit, a monitoring spirit. Demons are not God, so they can’t tell you the future because they don’t know. So they’ll lie or they will give you the version of your future that they want to happen to you! 

The witch will tell you a prediction, like you are going to get in a car accident and your cat will die. Then she/he will instruct you, to pay more money for protection, so it doesn’t happen to you. 

You will say no, then the witch will respond ok, but the demons leave with you and make every one of those situations happen. Now you are running back to the witch, paying more money for the false protection but in return the witch is putting more curses on your life and assigning more demons to you and your children.

God is the only one you should seek for all of your needs. Repent for doing witchcraft today! Repent for your fore fathers that did witchcraft! Repent for your fore fathers that joined occults and secret societies that brought generational curses over your life. 

Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything you need will be added unto you! The healing you need will be added unto you! The deliverance you need will be added unto you! God is a curse breaker! 

God is the parent that you desired but you didn’t have! The Holy Spirit is the mentor and counselor you desire to tell you, your future! He will also instruct on how to get there!

Stop doing new age practices, yoga, and trying to manifest anything without Jesus! You are in a danger zone when you operate in the spirit realm without Jesus Christ! 

Indulging and Embracing Sin Without Repentance 

demons entered into the swine

God knows my heart! God gave us grace and he will forgive me! Have you ever heard of that? Have you said that? Nine times out of ten, people say that when they know they are in sin, and they have no plans of coming out of it.

DON’T ABUSE THE GRACE OF GOD!! Sinning over and over brings that demon into your life and when you are ready to stop that sin, it’s now harder because you have an invisible force persuading you to do the sin!

The saying as long as you have breath in your body, you can repent and get it right is a lie based on this one scripture!! 

Romans 1:28
” And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting:

Once you are turned over to a debased mind, God will not hear your prayers. 

John 6:44
”No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.“

Only God can give you the heart to want him. So what happens when you have run out of grace, thinking that you can repent when you’re ready or after you’ve had all of your sinful fun and you have two minutes of life left?

How do we know when God has turned us over to a debased mind? We don’t! Let’s stop abusing the grace of God and get the sin out of your lives today! 

When God calls, you come! 


Demons Enter Through Entertainment- Music, Movies, Social Media, Influence!

It’s important to guard your ear and eye gates. As a Christian, you should be listening and watching things that only edify God and build your spirit man. I’m not saying you can’t watch a little football here and there, but put a limit on it. 

Please be careful about filling your spirit with sinful entertainment. If what you are consuming goes against God’s word, eliminate it. We are going into a season where the lukewarm Christianity has to die! 

Who is your favorite influencer on social media? Do they influence you to get closer or God? What type of music do you listen to? What type of movie do you watch? Are they sinful? 

I heard a famous black actress say that what actors do is very spiritual. They allow the character to enter their body and use them as a vessel.

She was explaining a demon entering her body and using her to act out the role. If it’s not the Holy Spirit, it’s a demon spirit! Now you are watching the movie and being entertained by demons using a human’s body. Think about that. Being entertained by a demon. Nah, I’ll pass. I’d rather the Holy Spirit’s presence than a demonic presence. 

Guard your spirit so you won’t become defiled with the things of this world. 

Remember, we are supposed to be set apart from the world. Think about it like this. God assigned you to this earth from heaven to collect as many souls as you can round up so you can bring them back to heaven. Not so you can get caught up with the world and get sent to hell with them. 

Eliminate the open doors that demons can enter and work hard to keep them closed! This is an ongoing battle, but you have the authority and power to win. Remember, the demons are subject to you, not you to them! 

I hope this blesses you!!!

With Love,


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  1. Glory be to God much née information I’m excited an look forward to your blog. I will be sharing this with my adult kids an grandkids … I have to start with my family first

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