prayer strategy fro war room

Three Prayer Strategies To Elevate Your Prayer Life

Today, I wanted to get into some different prayer strategies that I’ve used to win a quite a few spiritual trophies. Everything I’m sharing with you, I’ve experienced and it worked! Remember, prayer is the battle and the Word of God is your weapon! It’s important for you to know that you need to be in prayer for no less than one hour while praying these prayers. If you can go two hours that is even better. The longer you stay in prayer, the better the results. Let’s get right into these prayer strategies.

I want you all to know that as I’m writing this, I am giggling all over myself! Hence all of the Ha ha’s! I’m speaking to you today, not in blogger style, but like we are in the kitchen cooking and I’m spilling the tea! I’m super excited to share these strategies with you because they literally changed my life. I genuinely want you to be free and if you do these, your life will be changed too! Now let’s get into these prayer strategies, for real this time!

Prayer Points — Sledge Hammer Prayers

I’m going to start with my absolute favorite prayer strategy of all time. I’ve won SO MANY spiritual battles with prayer points. One of my mentors taught me about prayer points and it absolutely changed my prayer life. 

A prayer point is a bible scripture that you’ve customized. You say it over and over and over. For example, this is how I would customize a scripture to fit me. 

The original scripture:
1 John 4:4
4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Customized for me:
You are of God, Tiffani, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 

Let’s try that again but with a war scripture against the enemy!

The original scripture:
Psalm 18:42 
42 Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.

Customized for warfare prayer:
Lord, let the evil forces in my life be beaten as small as the dust before the wind: 
Lord, let them be cast out as dirt on the streets, in Jesus’ name! (I’ve cast out a demon using this prayer point!)

Now, the first thing that people will say is “the Bible says don’t say vain repetition in prayer”. Well I say, name one scripture you know that’s vain. If it speaks to your situation, speak it over and over.

Matthew 26: 36-44 tells us how Jesus prayed the same prayer three different times! The widow protested with five words over and over, “Avenge me of my adversaries!”, until she was granted just that! The angels in Heaven cry holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come, day and night! So if the angels of God can cry the same thing without rest, I don’t think God will have a problem with you calling His Word over and over.

The more scripture you have, the more prayer points you can use to knock the devil’s head off of his shoulders. Gather the scriptures and create a battle plan. 

Think about it like this: Prayer points are like a sledge hammer! If someone gives you a sledge hammer and says “destroy this wall”, if you hit it once, you may do some damage but you won’t destroy it. If you hit it over and over and over and over, you WILL destroy that wall! 

I was reading the Bible one day and I came across 2 Kings 13:18-19

18 Then he said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. 
19 And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.”

When I read it, God gave me a revelation about prayer. His exact words were “That’s how I want you to pray. Use my word like the arrows and strike over and over.” Then he took my mind to Ephesians 6:16.

Ephesians 6:16.
16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the
wicked one.

Then I saw (in a vision) a battlefield with people shooting arrows at each other. Then it clicked! We can shoot arrows at the devil too but the arrows are God’s word!!  I’ve been doing “drive-bys” ever since! I will pray eight to ten scriptures for an hour! I’m that soldier that wants the head of my enemy! Show no mercy for satan and his agents because they have no mercy for you!

Drive-By Prayers

Ha ha!! Yes, yes, yes honey! I love myself a good ole drive-by! It’s a surprise attack! You are just sitting there, it’s not your normal prayer time, and you are just minding your business. Then BOOM, the Spirit of God says “PRAY!” You just burst out with a prayer going in on the devil! Scriptures are flowing out of your soul, you are speaking in tongues, and knocking that devil’s head off. Whew, oh how I love being a soldier! Ha ha!! 

So this tactic is similar to the Pearl Harbor attack. The United States was chilling on a Sunday
morning, probably sleeping in from partying the night before and BOOM! Japan’s navy hit the United States with a surprise attack because they didn’t want the US interfering with overseas territory that Japan wanted. The United States definitely retaliated but they were hit badly and thousands of soldiers died because they were not expecting the attack.

This may sound crazy, but when it comes to drive-by prayers, be Japan. Don’t be the United States! You be the one that takes the territory from the enemy. Don’t let him take it from you! Just make sure you keep your prayer life going because when you take it from the enemy, you got to fight to keep it from him. You know he is going to try to come back to get YOUR territory. 

This is why I say it’s important to fast WEEKLY!! You never know when you will have to run up on the devil and you don’t know when the devil is going to run up on you! Stay strapped with power always! Your ministry is the car, prayer is the engine, and fasting is the gas!

Praying On The Watches

This one is for the REAL SOLDIERS! Praying on the watches will make you rank up to being a gangster in the spirit!! Ha ha! If you are not a soldier, you will be after this strategy! 

So, what are the watches? The watches are 12am, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. You would pray on every watch. That’s right! You would stop what you are doing to pray every three hours for fifteen to thirty minutes.

This strategy is an ambush attack. You pray like a mad man coming for everything the devil stole from you with this prayer strategy. You have to be very aggressive in prayer! You need to pray like the devil is in front of you, holding your family hostage, and the only thing that can free them is the Word of God. You cannot be passive with these prayers. Praying on the watches will break generational curses, evil covenants, word curses, and demonic strongholds off of your life. 

(When praying on the watches, you are permitted to miss one watch to sleep. Usually you would missed 12am or 3am.)

When you pray on every watch like this, it bombards the enemy and doesn’t give them time to restrategize against you! It’s like you are dropping bombs on the enemy’s camp every three hours. They cannot take it. It’s like an earthquake is going off in the spirit realm and they can’t get there game plan together because its happening so frequently.

This tactic works very well when paired with the Prayer Points strategy I explained above. Please pray scripture when you are praying on the watches because when angels hear the word of God, they do exactly what they hear. They will be released into the battle when you pray the Word of God. Don’t believe me? Read it for yourself.

Psalms 103:20
20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Who is going to speak God’s word? You are! What’s going to happen when the angels hear God’s word coming out of your mouth? They are going to do his commandments! You are not going to battle alone, you got back up! The same back up that defeated satan and his agents when they kicked him out of Heaven. Use them by calling God’s word!

This is a guerrilla warfare tactic. I advise that you use this one on a fast. Don’t miss a watch and watch how your life is going to be freed from the hands of the enemy. You have to be desperate for deliverance or sick and tired of how your life is going to do this prayer strategy.

Ask God how long you should do the watches. I wouldn’t do it for less than a week if you really want results. Just know that if you are bound up really bad, the longer you do this, the more spiritual freedom you will have. God will show you when the bondages are broken in a dream or in prayer.

I need you to know that the devil is going to fight your mind hard if you do this prayer strategy because he wants nothing more than for you to stop bombarding him! He is going to try to tell you this is not working, make you sleepy, and put distractions in front of you. Don’t stop! Keep going until God tells you to stop. This one is a curse killer for sure!

So there you have it! These prayer strategies are life changing!

If you haven’t already, please read my blog posts Defensive and Offensive Prayers  and Maintaining A Disciplined Prayer Life. They go hand in hand with these strategies.

I hope you apply these strategies to your prayers. I know they are going to break yokes and bondages off of your life because this is how they were broken off of my life. As always I’m routing for you! 

I pray this blesses your prayer life, like it blessed mine!

With Love
Your Sister Tiffani!

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  1. Very Good Prayer Strategies. I’ve incorporated the watches into my life and God has been showing up. The dreams are also coming strong. Thank you so much Warrior ❤️.

  2. I love these prayer strategies!! Why didn’t I know about this years ago??
    Thank you for sharing this. God bless you, niece!

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