Why The World Doesn’t Respect The Church…
Today’s article regarding why the church isn’t respected by the world, is a very strong but necessary topic. It’s an article of correction. Use this article as a guide to search for sins in your life.
If you see yourself in one of these churches, be honest and repent. Everyone, including myself has things we need to work on.
I pray before I write each article. I ask God to use me as a vessel. As I pulled my laptop out to get started, He was downloading the words to type in my spirit. In this season, He is cleaning up His church and He wants all of us to look at ourselves in the mirror and get it right today!
Please hear what God has to say. Put offense aside and really look at your heart and please remember, if it doesn’t apply, let it fly! Let’s get into it!
Ephesus – The Loveless Church.
To the person who got saved and was on fire for God, and now it’s just a routine to pray, read your bible and go to church. You do these things just to check them off your daily to-do list. Go back to what you were doing to get the intimacy with God you had before.
The baby Christians will look at your traditional and religious ways and follow them. This is not what God wants for His people! A stale church that is complacent with no power, is what you show the world! Now, you know right from wrong, and you are quick to confront members in the church. The truth be told, your fire has gone out, and it’s time to get it back.
You play church very well. You know to say the right things, quote a scripture here and there, but your heart is disconnected from God’s heart. You are religious and traditional. Which is the same spirit that killed Jesus. Come back to your first love and ask God to light your candle stick again.
Smyrna – The Persecuted Church
To the person who is doing the work of the Lord, but the nay sayers are constantly coming against you! Keep going! It’s a few of you! You are BOLD for Jesus! Many Christians are too cowardly to stand up to the world like you do on your platform you’ve created for the Lord.
If you continue going, you will be rewarded. Confront the abortion. Confront the homosexuality! Confront the pedophilia! No matter who comes against you, you continue doing the work of the Lord!!
No matter how many times your videos get banned; you continue putting them back up! God sees you and you will be rewarded. Remember, the people in the stands will always have an opinion about the players on the field, but the players are concentrated on what they are doing. Stay focused and continue pushing for God!
Pergamos – The Compromising Church
To the people that love God with everything in them, and they serve at the church every time the doors open. They carry the pastors’ bible. They’re preaching in the streets and gathering souls.
However, they may have a homosexual teenager that they are ministering to on one hand and will allow the child to borrow their car to go see their mate. They will allow the child to go to the club in the car as long as they have the car back so they can go to church in the morning.
They will tell a little white lie to call out of work because they don’t feel like going. They laugh at secular, sinful jokes because it’s just a joke! Would God laugh at the joke? If it is hindering your relationship with Jesus, let it go! God will forgive you and light your candle stick again! He who has an ear. Let him hear. Repent!
Thyatira – The Corrupted Church
To the church as a whole that loves God and wants to do right by Him. He knows your heart and is impressed by it. He also sees how leadership allows anyone with a pretty smile and nice clothes to teach false doctrine. The doctrine of, if you sow a seed of one thousand dollars, you will receive your husband by the end of the year.
The church is using no discernment or prayer to elect leadership. He sees and is evaluating the false prophets and prophetess that create YouTube channels to make money off His name. Pray about every one you listen to and seek God about them. These individuals are leading thousands and thousands of people to hell.
To the pastors who start churches for tithes, offerings, and to sleep with the members of the church. Judgement is upon you! To the other members in the church who knows what your pastor is doing but helps hide it and don’t say anything about it, please know that God is watching and you will be held accountable for your idolatry. Come out from among them and be ye separate!!
Turn to God and ask him what He requires of you to get in right standing with Him. He will reconcile you!
Sardis – The Dead Church
To the person who knows the Bible like the back of their hand but does not apply it to their life, this is for you. You debate other Christians online and at church to show that you are right, but you don’t do any of what you preach!
No power! The demons don’t know you. Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you? No works at all! I pray you repent and get your power back in the Lord! I pray that you do the things that God has called you to do!
Get back on your post and thrive like the warrior God called you to be! Please don’t let Him catch you with your light out. The baby Christians need you, so they can have someone to look at. Seek Jesus, so they can follow you as you lead them to Jesus!
Philadelphia- The Faithful Church
To the righteous! To the Bride! You know who you are! The one who receives favor from the Lord on every job because you are faithful to Him in every way! The one who sacrifices their sleep in the wee hours of the morning because the house is sleeping, and you can spend time with God. You have a profound relationship with God. An intimate connection with Him.
He tells you things and they come to pass. He has guarded your children when you know, they should have been taken out. The seed of righteous shall be delivered! You consider Him in all your ways, every time. He answers your prayers every time.
You stand up for what is right, and you are happy when you are persecuted! If you sin, you get it right immediately, and you are very remorseful when you repent! You honor God with every part of your being.
The reward is great for you! The other churches strive to be you! Keep up the good work and let your light shine, so the world can see what true Christianity is!
Laodiceans – The Lukewarm Church
To the people who have the motto “God knows my heart”! You declare Christianity, but you still love the nightclub. You likewise love to do every TikTok dance and have the secular songs on your social media pages!
Not only that, you claim Christianity, but you are also checking your horoscopes, and getting readings from witches. You claim Christianity, but you bought Beyoncé tickets on Saturday night and went to church on Sunday Morning. Supporting artist that hates God is like supporting a person who hates your mother and father who has sacrificed and done everything for you.
You are sleeping with someone that you know you are not married to, but you express to everyone you are a born-again believer! You tell everyone how God is the love of your life but you indulge in every sin in the Bible. Constantly going against His word!
The world looks at you and groups you, the Laodiceans, with the church of Philadelphia, and then labels the Christian community as a whole, hypocrites. You do the same things as the world, which is why they can’t tell you apart. We were called to stand out. They say, you see the Christians do this and that. How can the world become Christians if we are doing the same things as them? This is intolerable to God!
If you identify with this group, all hope is not lost! Choose a side! Pick God! Repent and turn from the ways of this world. Come back home to God so He can cleanse you and get you back on the right path! You have purpose and the Kingdom needs you!
If you know that you identify with a church that needs improvement and you don’t know where to start. Please read the articles below. These are great starting places for you to get back on the narrow path.
Close The Open Doors In Your Life
Five Important Steps After Giving Your Life To Christ
Maintaining A Discipline and Consistent Prayer Life
Please repent and get it right! Your eternal soul depends on it! Even though this was a heavy message, it’s with love. I’d rather you be offended now, while you still have a chance to clean your life up, than to be standing in front of God and nobody told you to clean it up. We are all in this together and we can make a change but it starts with us individually! You got this warrior! I’m rooting for you!
With Love,
Your Sister, Tiffani!
LORD I REPENT I want to get it right I want to set an example for my kids an grandkids a for others . This message was so needed a one point my God. Thank you for being obedient my sister and May God continue to bless you .
Thank you Sister Sheila! We all need to repent! May God bless you and keep you!