Five Important Steps After Giving Your Life To Christ

Congratulations on giving your life to Christ and welcome to the Kingdom of God! You beloved, are the newest citizen of THE MOST powerful and loving family in the heavens! God just went from being your creator, to being your dad! Isn’t that awesome?! I know it was probably scary giving your life over to someone you don’t know, but trust me, you just made the best decision you are ever going to make in your life. 

God is so patient, merciful, loving, and graceful. He will help you make the best decisions for you and your family. He will guide, comfort, and protect you in ways you have never experience before.

I cannot wait for you to experience it. You are going to love every part of your journey. So come on in, as I show you the ropes of being one of God’s babies, known as a Christian. 

Seek God 

The first thing you have to do after giving your life to Christ, is get to know the man you just gave your entire life to. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything you need shall be added unto you!

Develop a relationship with God. Start by reading his word. You can start reading the gospels about Jesus and get to know the personality, purpose, and the works of Jesus. Then, develop a prayer life. Your prayer life is going to be the most important asset to your journey, because this is how you communicate with God.

Prayer will also be the way you defeat the enemy. Do not go a day without praying or reading. Treat your new journey like it’s a new romantic relationship. You would talk on the phone with them and check in with your new lover through out the day so, do the exact same with Jesus. 

You can start by praying as soon as you get up, setting times throughout the day to pray, and pray before you go to bed. Never go to sleep without praying. When you go to sleep, you step into the spirit world and sometimes, you can recall what you saw there. We humans like to call it a dream.

Read my article Why Dreams Are Vital To Your Christian Walk for more information on dreams! Your dreams are IMPORTANT so get into the habit of writing every one of them down because they mean something. Journal your dreams even if you don’t understand it, it seemed crazy, or even disgusting. God communicates through dreams, and so does the devil. Write them down, pray about them and ask God to give you the interpretation.

This opens the door for you and God to have a conversation because remember, this is a relationship.  It’s good that you also go on a fast and ask Him to speak to you, so you can learn His voice. This is tricky because you have to discern His voice from the enemies voice and your voice. Once you do those things, make it a routine and you will start to get closer to Jesus in no time. 


give your life to christ prayer

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14. You have to sit down with yourself and forgive every single person that has ever wronged you in any way.

This part is HARD because God may lay it on your heart to go and have a conversation with them! You have to do it, because if you don’t, our Father will not forgive you and you deserve to be forgiven and so does the people that wronged you.

Forgiveness will free you in ways that you cannot imagine. It’s like a burden is lifted off your shoulders.

Just like unforgiveness, any sin can cause an open door. If your spiritual door is open, the devil can walk right into your life. He can cause sickness, havoc in your finances, and so many other chaotic situations in your life. If sin is present, he unfortunately has a legal right do it. Any time that sin is present, the devil is present. So forgive any and everybody who’s wronged you. If you’ve wronged someone, consider calling them and asking for forgiveness. Remember this is for you not them.

I have more information about forgiveness here! Why Its Vital For Christians to Forgive!

Break Evil Covenants

give your life to christ quotes

THIS IS MAJOR and this section is going to make a few people upset!!! 

Here are a few evil covenants you have to break and stop practicing after you get saved.

  • Witchcraft
  • New age 
  • Practicing yoga (which is a form of hindu worship, google it)
  • Playing the ouija board for fun 
  • Getting readings by psychics
  • Reading their horoscopes
  • Tarots cards
  • Traditional practices from their culture 
  • Sorority and Fraternity and some many more

Continuing to practice evil activity after getting saved, will cause you to struggle BIG TIME! 

You have to reject, revoke, and renounce those evil practices and covenants you made knowingly and unknowingly the devil. When you partake in these practices, you join forces with demons and you invite them into your life. Their complete motive is to destroy your life and to persuade you to go sin so you can miss heaven. The devil comes to steal kill and destroy. Any god you served outside of the one and true living God, is an idol and God will not have any idols before Him. 

Any object used to give you supernatural results outside of Jesus Christ is witchcraft. Crystals, statues, and rocks cannot heal or protect you! That’s what we have God for.

You have to renounce the fraternity (greek gods), masons, eastern star and any other occults you were apart of. Get rid of the crystals (Jesus Christ is now your healer). Get rid of the idol statues in your house (the Holy Spirit now lives in your temple and He will bless you. He and His angels are all the protection you will need).

Get rid of the dream catcher (one of the ways God communicates with you is by dreams, now why do you still need a “dream catcher”?). Get rid of the sage unless, you are making cooking with it. The blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse your atmosphere. Now think about it, you really think a herb that you cook with is going to get rid of an evil spirit? Get rid of all new age items in your home. If you are not sure about an item, God will tell what to do, He never leaves us hanging. 

Seek Deliverance

give your life to christ today

This is the one right here! Deliverance was Jesus’ ministry. It’s important that you ask God to lead you in the right path to get deliverance. Why is it important to get the demons out as you start your journey with Christ? A demon’s job is to persuade you to sin, so eventually you will go to hell with them. Satan’s entire motive is to get as many people to go to hell with him as he possibly can, so he sends demons to persuade you. The less demons you have persuading you to sin, the more freedom you have in your mind, thoughts, and emotions. Then it won’t be a struggle to serve Christ.

DEMONS DO NOT LEAVE BECAUSE YOU GAVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST. The Holy Spirit lives in your spirit man when you get saved and the demons reside in your soul. Your soul is your will, thoughts, feelings and emotional intellect, which is why demons work to persuade your thoughts and emotions.

Think about it, Jesus was casting out demons from the children of Israel. They already believed! Their God was the God that we serve right now! You remember in Matthew 15:22-28 the Canaanite lady came to Jesus to heal her daughter?

Jesus said to her, the bread is for the children of Israel, and not the dogs. The lady said, Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs from the Master’s table. Jesus was impressed with the lady’s faith and heal the lady’s daughter. The children He was taking about was already believers! The bread was the miracle, signs, and wonders!

Now back to getting your deliverance. Start looking for a church that cast out demons, heal the sick and teach spiritual warfare. This is going to be tough because the truth is, most churches don’t! Churches that have deliverance ministries are far, few, and in between. Which brings me to my next point. 

BUILD YOUR SPIRIT MAN UP SO YOU CAN BE A DELIVERANCE MINISTRY! You may have to be the one that God uses to set yourself free. There has been a few times where I’ve been praying spiritual warfare prayers, and demons manifest and come out of me. God delivered me in prayer, in my home. When I first got saved, I went on a fast for nine months and God used me to cast out demons from a little boy. He had 23 demons in him and they all came out. That boy’s life completely changed from that day to this one. 

The power of God is REAL! I’ve experience it first hand and I’m NEVER going back to the world, now that I’ve experienced the miracles, signs, and wonders!

Learn Spiritual Warfare

give your life to christ in the Bible

Father teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight. Now, after you’ve cleaned house and gotten a fresh start, it’s time to make you a soldier. A warrior! If you didn’t have to become a soldier already to get your own deliverance, this is the time where you would become one! A warrior that the devil hates to see coming to the prayer room. A warrior that kicks down the devil’s door and takes back what he stole from you!

Where do we Christians do our fighting? IN PRAYER!! We don’t fight against flesh and blood, but against evil spirits. This means DO NOT pray to God, asking Him to do something bad to another human being. I promise you right now, that you will not get that prayer answered.

Learn the Bible like the back of your hand. When you pray about something, you have to remind God of His word. When it’s time to attack the devil, gather all of the spiritual warfare scriptures you can. Psalms is full of them!

Remember, Jesus said whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Start studying what authority you have in Christ. Then grow your faith to believe that you too can and will shut the devil down. 

You just don’t know how excited I am for you! I know if you apply this article to your life, you are going to be a power house!

Remember God requires discipline and consistency. With those two you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! I hope this blesses you the way it blessed me!

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani! 

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