Why Dreams Are Important To Your Christian Walk

What Are Dreams Exactly?

The world’s definition of a dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.

Now let me give you the biblical breakdown and several different experiences, including my own experience regarding dreams.

Spirits never sleep. They have no need of sleep. God (the supreme spirit) doesn’t sleep, angels (ministering spirits) don’t sleep, demons (evil spirits) don’t sleep and your spirit, does not sleep. We humans are all spiritual beings, wrapped up in a flesh suit.

When you die, your family will have your flesh suit buried, but your spirit will go to its eternal destination. Our flesh suits are the only differences between us and the beings that we can not see, called spirits. Now, your flesh suit (body) has to sleep to rejuvenate itself. The amazing thing about your body is, your brain is still active while you are sleeping. So what happens if the body is sleeping but the spirit is still awake and your brain is active? Dreams! 

Dreams are what your brain remembers when your spirit is interactive in the spirit realm. This is why people can have a dream and the dream will come to true in your physical life.  Everything happens in the spirit realm first before they happen in the physical realm. The physical realm is a by product of the spirit realm. 

A few examples of this is when the almighty Spirit of God spoke the world into existence. The physical realm (earth) was a by product of what the Spirit of God spoke into existence. BEFORE Job had chaos in his life, the devil which is a spirit, went to God, who is the supreme spirit, and had a conversation about Job. God gave the devil permission to test Job. Once the devil got permission, he planned out what he would do in the spirit realm and it then it happened in the physical realm. 

Another example is Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that he was a tree, that was chopped down and it happened. His human mind was taken away for seven years. You see how they saw what was coming while they were sleeping and it really come to past? Everything happens in the spirit realm first, then it comes to past in the physical realm. Remember that for the rest of your life. 

If you don’t remember anything else from this blog remember this. WRITE DOWN EVERY DREAM YOU HAVE AND PRAY ABOUT THEM TO GET THE INTERPRETATION. Your dreams mean something even if YOU don’t understand it. 

Job: 33:14-17

14 hFor God may speak in one way, or in another,
Yet man does not perceive it.
15 iIn a dream, in a vision of the night,
When deep sleep falls upon men,
While slumbering on their beds,
16 jThen He opens the ears of men,
And seals their instruction.
17 In order to turn man from his deed,
              And conceal pride from man,

God speaks in riddles. This is why Jesus spoke in parables and most of the time, He speaks in riddles in our dreams as well. Be honest, you have had a dream and didn’t know what it meant and just shrugged your shoulders and never thought about it again. Come on, tell the truth and shame the devil! That’s dangerous and let me tell you why.

God gives us warnings all the time. God communicates through dreams and some of the time it’s the first way he will communicate with us. He will give us dreams of what the devil is planning for our lives, the fake friends around us, who to marry and who not to marry, but we ignore them. Then, when something bad happens, some of us blame God, when He was warning us the entire time.

You ever have a situation happen in real time then, it flashes across your mind as a memory? Now you are standing there like I saw this before! Some people call it deja vu but I’m telling you, you dreamed it and forgot about it. Your brain stored it as memory because remember, the brain is still active while asleep. 

Agreements Are Made in Your Dreams

why dreams feel so real

Lets take a look at Solomon’s 

Now the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place: Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. 
At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask! What shall I give you?”
And Solomon said: “You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father, because he walked before You in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with You; You have continued this great kindness for him, and You have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day.
Now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted. 
Therefore give to Your servant an [b]understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”
10 The speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing. 
11 Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, 
12 behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. 
13 And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. 
14 So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen[c] your days.”
15 Then Solomon awoke; and indeed it had been a dream. And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, offered up burnt offerings, offered peace offerings, and made a feast for all his servants.

After Solomon woke up from this dream, everything in this dream came to past. Immediately!! He and God made an agreement and it came to past from the spirit world to the natural world. 

Listen to your sister, pay attention to your dreams! The devil copies everything God does. He knows that the systems God put in place are perfect! They work! So he takes the same rules but perverts them. The devil gives dreams too and you need to reject, revoke and cancel these dreams. The devil will try to make agreements with you in your dreams as well and if you don’t get up and rebuke those dreams they will manifest in the physical realm (your every day life)!!

A couple examples of the devil perverting God’s rules are, God said man and woman should be married in order to have sex. The devil says go ahead and have sex you don’t need to need be married.  God made man and woman to be together but the devil says go ahead and sleep with the same sex. God said He is a jealous God and you should not have any God’s before him but the devil said well if you serve the community and join this sisterhood, there is nothing wrong with pledging to this greek god. Brothers and sisters, that should not be! 

Rank Up Warrior!

why dreams happen

The devil can’t do anything to you unless you allow him or you come in agreement with him by sinning. Now, if you are not sinning but also not reading your word or praying like you should, then, he will come in your dreams with the foolishness. Let me give you two examples of how the devil comes to defile your spirit man in your dreams. Let’s take having sex in your dreams as an example.

If you are having sex with people in your dreams, including your spouse, GET UP OUT OF YOUR BED AND REBUKE THAT DREAM! You are having sex with an evil spirit in your dream. Evil spirits masquerade as other people in dreams to trick you! They know that if they come to you as your husband or wife, you will have sex with them. Marriage is a covenant and when you have sex with your spouse you solidify the covenant. Sex is an agreeement. So evil spirits use sex as an agreement. Once you have sex with them in the dream, whatever they have planned for you, you just agreed to it. 

Have you ever heard of someone dreaming about their ex, knowing the ex was terrible? They end up calling the ex and getting back with them because they can’t stop dreaming about them. So they think it’s a “sign” to get back with them. Nine times out of ten, they ended up breaking up again and it’s worst this time.

Well, what happened was, the devil knew there was a soul tie there. He masqueraded himself as the ex, came to the person in the spirit realm (dream), and made a covenant by having sex with them. Then, the person went back into the bad relationship in the physical realm and fell back into sin. The devil succeeded at making the person sin and pulled them deeper into the soul tie.

Damaging results can happen in the physical realm (real life) when you have sexual dreams. Some results could be your physical marriage on earth would be in shambles and you and your spouse won’t be able to figure out why. You will fight about every little thing. Another example could be, it maybe hard for you to keep a relationship. Every guy you are with, will just up and leave. You may have miscarriages or can’t get pregnant at all and the list goes on and on.

If you are a woman, another physical result of sexual dreams could be OBGYN problems. Such as fibroids, uterine cancer, and other illnesses. In other cases, you may have heard stories when people are ill and all the test come back negative. The doctor can’t figure out what’s wrong with them. They have all the symptoms of an illness but the test came back negative. Evil spirits don’t show up on x-rays. Remember that. Rank up warrior and destroy the covenants!

Evil spirits also put poverty curses on people in their dreams. If you see yourself looking poor in a dream or you see your house is full of roaches or rats. Get up and rebuke that dream!! If you don’t pray against it, you better bet your bottom dollar you are going to live paycheck to paycheck or things will just start breaking down. Now, you have to take the savings you had or borrow the money to get the things fixed. The devil showed you what he had planned for you, you can’t just let him do what he wants in your life. 

There are so many examples of the devil trying to put things on your life. Start paying attention and start fighting back!

Matthew 13:25  But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

If you are having sex in your dreams, then this means you are not praying, speaking the word, reading the word, or fasting enough when you are awake. Once you start praying constantly while you are awake, you will notice that you will start rejecting the devil’s foolishness in your dreams. You will even start speaking the word of God in your dreams. When you get to this point, your authority and power in God is ranking up!

A Dream God Gave VS. A Dream The Devil Gave You

why dreams

Trying to decipher a God given dream, from a dream from he devil is tricky sometimes. Here’s some ways that I have discovered, to tell the difference between the two. Sometimes you still have to pray and ask God was that dream from you, God, or from that old stanking devil? 

Dreams from God

  • They seem to be a warning
  • They are not sexual
  • Usually show scenarios or scenes to show you what spirit you need to deal with
  • Usually are like riddles
  • Encouraging
  • Shows you a future you

Dreams from the enemy

  • Disgusting 
  • Sexual dreams
  • Nightmares
  • People or animals chasing you
  • People or animals watching you (monitoring spirits)
  • Reptiles, snakes, alligators, frogs (tricky because sometimes God is showing you a snake as a warning) 
  • Dream is like a horror movie
  • You wake up scared (God does not scare us, He is loving)
  • Eating in a dream (This is a tricky one. You can make covenants in your dream by eating. Pray about this one) 

Dreams from your soul

  • Things you’ve been thinking about 
  • Things that you have been desiring
  • Something you watch for entertainment or falling asleep while watching tv 

THIS IS IMPORTANT!! MOST OF THE TIME YOU SEE FACES IN A DREAM, IGNORE THE FACE! GOD AND THE DEVIL WILL USE FAMILIAR FACES IN THE DREAM TO GET A POINT ACROSS. This doesn’t necessarily mean the dream was about the person you saw! The devil use familiar faces to masquerade himself to get the covenant or agreement made in the dream.  Remember the scripture the devil comes as an angel of light! If the dream is about the person you saw, God will give you revelation or interpretation of the dream. Pray about every dream. This is how God speaks to his children that don’t yet know his voice or sometimes have a hard time trying to figure out was it God’s voice, the enemy’s voice, or their voice. 

What Should I Do After Having A Dream?

why dreams are weird

When you get up and you remember that you had a dream pray about it and ask God to give you discernment on whether the dream was from him or from the enemy. If it was God, seek what He is trying to tell you. Write the dream down, compare it to what’s going on in your life now, then keep praying about it.

If God sent you a warning, pray against what the enemy is trying to do in your life. If he sent you a dream about the future ask Him, what do you need to do, to get on course with His will. You can also get Barbie Breathitt’s A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary. Barbie is awesome with biblical dream interpretation and her books will help you navigate some of the symbols in your dream. 

If the enemy sent you a dream. Pray something like this… I cancel this evil dream in the name of Jesus. I reject, revoke, renounce, divorce and separate myself from any evil covenants made in this dream. I bind and paralyze the assignments of the enemy. Lord wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus. I bind myself to your will and your ways and declare and decree that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper in Jesus name. 

If you don’t remember anything I said in this article, please remember to journal your dreams. Write them down because God is speaking to you in your dreams, and a lot of times we are missing the warnings and messages his trying to tell us.

Remember everything happens in the spirit realm first and when you dream, you are shown a sneak preview of what’s coming to the physical realm. Please know that there is no way I could have hit every pointer on dreams as there are many facets to dreams. The things I said to you today are just the basics.

Pray about what you dream and stay in God’s face about your dreams. It is going to benefit you greatly. I pray this blesses you the way it blessed me.

With Love 

Your Sister, Tiffani

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