Strength of the enemy

Three Strengths Of The Enemy That Every Christian Should Know

Today we are going to examine three strengths of the enemy so we can know how to position ourselves to win every battle against the kingdom of darkness!

When we get saved, no one tells us that we’ve just stepped onto a spiritual battlefield. It’s a different kind of fight when you’re fighting spiritually.

A lot of Christians don’t know where to start! It’s critical to know your opponent in any fight. This gives you the advantage you need to win the fight. Today’s blog is an excerpt from my new e-book “Knowing Your Opponent: How The Kingdom Of Darkness Operates Against Christians”.

I pray this blesses you! Let’s get into it!

The Devil Knows The Bible Better Than Christians

The first strength of the enemy is that he understands the Bible like the back of his hand. The devil is very legalistic in the spirit realm. He knows every rule, he knows every law, he knows the principles of the Bible. He has an excellent understanding of what works and what does not work. The devil is a professional on how to convince you to sin. Even if it’s a small seed, he will plant it in your life.

The best thing that Christians can do is to study the Word of God like they’re going to take your Bible away from you tomorrow. You need to know God’s Word like you know yourself. The Bible says be not ignorant of the devil’s devices. It also says study to show yourself approved! 

Do you remember in the Bible when the devil had the audacity to approach Jesus with the Word of God? Then twisted the scripture like our Jesus was going to fall for that! He uses this old tactic to approach humanity as well. He will even pretend like he is God and speak a scripture out of context to get you to do things that you’re not supposed to do. Look at what he did with Eve.

I want you to pay close attention to how the sons of God appeared to God in Job, and the devil came to Him as well. Again, the devil is very legalistic, and he approaches the courts of heaven about you, just as he did when God asked him about Job. 

The devil is the accuser of the brethren, so he has to be an expert of the Bible to know what principle you broke. Therefore, we have to strengthen ourselves by studying the Word of God. Memorize the scriptures and ask God to reveal deeper knowledge of the scripture as you are reading.

Remember this, the devil may be the accuser, but we have Jesus as our advocate! Learning the word of God as a Christian is like learning the laws as a lawyer. When you know the laws, you can fight to win against your opponent in court. If you don’t know the laws, your case is going to get thrown out even if you have a good case!

If the devil is accusing you of sin, you need to do exactly what Jesus said to do!

Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.

Matthew 5:25

Agree with him and ask God to forgive you of your sins and have some scripture to back you up!

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 john 1:9

You can’t just stand there and cry! Defend yourself with the Word of God and watch how the verdict will be in your favor. Write the scriptures on the tablets of your heart Saints. It’s going to benefit you every time.

These Evil Spirits Are Ancient. 

The second strength of the enemy is they have more experience and data on mankind than mankind does. The devil holds a PhD in humanity and has been studying us before Jesus came on the scene. Satan knows what you like. He knows what you don’t like, and he plans according to just that. The devil will point out all of your strengths and shortcomings. He will then send demons to play on your flaws but avoid your strengths.

It’s not just your weaknesses, it’s humanity’s weaknesses. The enemy recognizes that humanity wants shortcuts. He sees that humanity is constantly looking for an easy way out. He likes to show up like a superhero to give humanity the shortcut they want, not telling us that we have to sin to get it.

For example, he would convince you to harm your mother to get fame instead of working for it. He would suggest that you can sleep with your boss to get that promotion instead of going to four-year college. You can sow a seed to have that man to marry you even though he is married to someone else… I digress with that one. Haha!

What the devil doesn’t tell you is his easy path out always comes with consequences.

It is critical that you study yourself, so you can identify what the enemy knows about you. Once you know what your flaws are, you can work on your them to make them strengths. Now, there is no way that you will not have any weaknesses in your life. However, you can strengthen the shaky traits you have. So when the devil comes thinking, this trait is still weak, you’ve strengthened that area, and he can’t get to you through that weakness anymore.

Non Praying and Lazy Christians

Satan knows that humanity lacks discipline and consistency, so he relies on you not being consistent with God and in prayer.  

This is a powerful strength of the enemy but only because we allow it to be. Not only does he recognize that most Christians are very lazy. His entire play by play handbook to destroy humanity dwells on it. Did you know our adversary has slumber spirits, spirits of delay, spirits of procrastination and lazy spirits he can send to you?

This is why I always say discipline and consistency are key. No matter how you feel, you have to get up and do what you’re supposed to do to level up. Whether that’s the next level in Christ, whether that’s the next height in your spiritual life, or whether that’s the next achievement at your job. Do what you have to do to break laziness off of you.

Your feelings and emotions will not get you to the next level. It’s a guarantee that you’re not going to feel like reading the Bible, but it will benefit you every time. I guarantee that you will not feel like praying or getting up earlier to pray, but it’s a guarantee that is going to benefit you every time.

It’s your discipline and consistency that will make you level up in Christ.

If you do not have disciplined, consistency, you will not get very far in any journey in your life.

Imagine if every person that claimed Christianity prayed for two hours a day! The world would be a different place. The devil would be powerless. The change starts with you! Begin to heighten your prayer life and subdue anything that gets in the way of it!

If you don’t know where to start I have two blog articles called Maintaining A Discipline and Consistent Prayer Life and Three Prayer Strategies To Elevate Your Prayer Life. Check them out and hopefully they help you to ignite your prayer life.

Saints, it’s critical that we consider these three strengths of the enemy and position ourselves to win every war against the kingdom of darkness. Remember you program your life in prayer and your family benefits from your prayers! Let’s get serious about getting on the narrow path so we can live good lives on earth before we get to heaven! Amen? Amen!

I hope this blesses you!

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani!

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