Spiritual Warfare Tactics Every Christian Should Know Part 2

Spiritual warfare is something every Christian will encounter on their journey. It’s important that we know the rules of the game before we play it, so we can have a better opportunity to win!

If you haven’t read Spiritual Warfare Tactics Every Christian Should Know Part 1, stop and go read that one first! Let’s dive into these tactics!!

Fear God, Not The Enemy

Most people today fear the enemy and not God. This is why it’ so much disrespect for our Lord, Jesus Christ in the earth today. If you are a child of God, this is rule number one. Keep in mind that God created the devil. The devil has to play by God’s rules. He also has to ask for permission from God to do anything to the saints unless, we give him permission by sinning. In that case he does not have to ask. I want to make this very clear, God and the devil are not equal. God sent arch angel Micheal to handle Satan. Arch angel Micheal handled God’s light work for him. 

Satan cannot put your soul in heaven or hell. Only God can do that! God is our champion, who’s never lost a battle. Satan is ALREADY defeated! It’s God’s breath in our lungs. At any time He can take it away from us. Not only that but God gave us dominion over the earth! Christians have power over evil spirits. When we say go they have to go! 

We should not be afraid of anything that we have power over. The Saints should have a healthy fear of the one that gave us the power and the One that can take it away. God is the One to fear, not Satan.

You Must Be Disciplined and Consistent In Spiritual Warfare

Discipline and consistency is an absolute must for a soldier of any sort. It’s going to be hard for you to accomplish anything worth value without discipline and consistency. You can be motivated and hyped about a goal but what do you do when the motivation and excitement is gone? You rely on discipline and consistent. 

You have to thrive on discipline to read your bible everyday. You have to have discipline to ignore the million and one distractions the world is throwing at you. Once you master discipline, you then have to master consistency. Consistency is going to be key in building a spiritual fire and keeping the fire going. 

Take Advantage of The Enemy’s Weaknesses

In my E-Book “Knowing Your Opponent: How The Kingdom of Darkness Operates Against Christians” I discuss the weaknesses of the enemy. One of those weaknesses is being a consecrated Christian. Your loyalty and dedication to God is a lethal weapon to the enemy.

When you are in consecration, demons have to wait on your fire to die down from the consecration. If your fire does die down, then it’s because you stepped away from the things of God. When you are living a holy lifestyle and you are pure in the sight of God, you will have the hedge of protection around you like Job. Satan could do nothing to Job until God’s hedge was moved from around him. Stay consecrated Saints! 

Attack The Strategy Of The Enemy

My father, reveal unto me the plans of the enemy for my life, in the name of Jesus. Pray this prayer point over and over before you go to sleep every night and eventually God will show you a dream. Once God shows you what the enemy has up his sleeve, attack his plan in prayer. You may have to fast a day or two. However, cancel the plans of the enemy and declare and decree the word of God over your life. 

Know When To Fight And When To Flee

This one is key!!! Always get a strategy from God from it come to spiritual warfare. He’s the general! Remember in the Bible when Joshua and David  always asked God should they go up to fight a city? He would tell them yes or no. Sometimes you have to let God fight the battle. It’s not yours to fight!

Now the Bible also says to flee from fornication! Why because that sin is a sin against the body. Its the easiest and most common way to get demons, create an ungodly soul tie, defile your temple and you can physically get a disease or a baby out of wedlock. Fornication is a trap! Just like you flee from this sin, you should know when to flee in battle. David ran from his own son and Saul. He didn’t get a big head and say he was going to fight every battle. He knew when to run! As a result of that he died an old man in his bed and not in battle. Remember this! 

Any Sin In Your Life Will Strengthen The Enemy Against You

If you enter a spiritual warfare battle against the enemy and you have willful sin in your life, you’ve already lost that battle. Whatever the sin is the kingdom of darkness will amplify the temptation of that sin in your life to try to take you out. They will have the legal right to do too. There won’t be a prayer you can pray to get them to back off until you get that sin out of your life. Then God will step in to help.

We as Christians have to repent constantly because we are not perfect and we sin everyday even if we are not trying to. Remember at the top of every prayer repentance should be there with worship. If you have willful sin in your life, do not engage in war. Stand down soldier. 

The Enemy Will ALWAYS Take Advantage Of Your Downfall

Always let the joy of the Lord be your strength. It’s imperative that you practice this at all times. We are humans and there are going to be times that you are down or trying to overcome a situation. Be prayerful at all times. Prayer will help you get through so many trials and tribulations in your life. Worship is also a powerful weapon. So many times I was down about something going on in my life and just went into worship and came back out of worship feeling brand new. 

A person that has depression is a clear sign of a person that does not worship God. There is no way that the spirit of depression can dwell in the presence of God. They cannot be in the same room. One has to go. So many spirits can be lifted off you if you worship and pray often. Do not allow the enemy to take advantage of you when you are having a bad day. Run to our Father in worship and He will make you brand new! 

Carry Out Surprise Attacks Often

I love to call surprise attacks on the enemy a “Drive-by” Haha! That’s what it is! You catch the enemy off guard. His monitoring spirits have already reported what times you pray throughout the day, so they are not expecting it. Sometimes the enemy will examine your pray life and try to attack you when you have a long gap in between each prayer. This is why you have to pray when the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray. It could dismantle the enemy’s attack on your life. 

Victory Goes to The One That Is the Most Relentless

This goes hand in hand with discipline and consistency. Train yourself to pray for long hours, or pray frequently throughout the day. Satan is never going to give up on trying to make you sin or fall back into old habits that God helped you break. When fighting the enemy, being relentless with stamina is key. 

When I say be relentless in spiritual warfare, I mean have no mercy on the devil. You should be fasting until breakthrough happens and keep fasting to keep the breakthrough. We all know that when you win a battle against the kingdom of darkness they always come back to get your spiritual trophy. You should be gathering battle scriptures and saying them over and over! David has powerful warfare scriptures in Psalm that are truly relentless and they work!! You have to be determined that you are going to win this spiritual warfare battle and there is nothing no devil in hell can do to stop you! 

When I went to war for my son’s life, I told God I wasn’t coming off of my fast until my son was healed. God said ok! I was on that fast for nine whole months!!! I set a prayer schedule of praying five times a day. I did not miss a prayer for the entire nine months. I was determined that my child will live and he would not die! I couldn’t fathom the idea of my child dying so I went to war!! I showed absolutely no mercy and became a warrior in the process. So it’s important that you develop this mindset and become relentless! 

Defensive Tactics Are Different From Offense Tactics

You have to know the difference between offensive and defensive prayers. I have an entire blog article explaining the two. Basically, defensive prayers are protection prayers like Psalms 91. Offensive prayers are prayers that go after the enemy! Please check that blog article out because it goes into detail regarding both types of prayers. I even have examples of prayer points that you can use in your every day prayer life. 

Keep the Enemy Confused/ Be Unpredictable

Being unpredictable goes hand in hand with carrying out surprise attacks but it can be different in a sense. Let say you pray at 7am, 1pm, and 6pm. The enemy knows this if you have being doing it for a while. So let’s say he has a surprise attack for you at 3:30pm. At 2:00pm out of nowhere you felt the need to start worshipping God. So you did. You just sabotaged the attack the enemy had for you at three thirty. When you worship God you go into the secret place and God can hide you from the enemy! 

Another way you can be unpredictable is, instead of prayer at the same times every day, you can have a different prayer schedule for each day. Now the enemy is confused and it’s harder for them to attack you. If they were to astro-project to your house and didn’t know you were praying, it’s big trouble for them. If it’s a human astro-projecting to your house and you are praying they run the risk of their spirit getting locked out of their body. 

Have you ever heard of a perfectly healthy person dying in their sleep? Now wait a minute, not every person that was healthy who died in their sleep was astro-projecting. However, this is how the ones that are astro-projecting die when their spirits cannot get back into their bodies.  This is what can happen to the astro-projecting person if they run up on the wrong Christian, at the wrong time. 

Utilize The Hours Of The Night

Witchcraft hours are between 12am and 5am. When you pray between these hours you disrupt their plans and the work they are doing throughout the night. They could be planning things to destroy your day but if you dismantle it before it goes out, they’ve wasted their time. If you get up at 4am and pray, all of the chanting and curses the witches in your neighbor put out will be dismantled.

Your prayers are powerful! Most of the time, Christians don’t know that their consistent prayer life is what’s keeping their entire neighborhood safe, even if you are not praying for the neighborhood. Angels are attracted to prayer because you are praying God’s word and they act on it. I know it’s tough to get up at these hours but it’s so beneficial to your physical life. 

If you haven’t read part 1 and apply these spiritual warfare tactics to your life today!! It’s important that we are not deceived by the enemies devices! It’s also important that we are not fighting a battle without knowing some of the basic rules.

I pray this blesses you!!

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani!

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