Why Your Prayers Aren’t Being Answered

Today we’re getting to the root of why your prayers are not being answered. Every so often, we will have a concern in our hearts, and we will cry out to God about it. When the results we desire doesn’t come to past, we either accept it, blame God, push it to the side and forget about it, or allow our faith to be diminished by it. 

A lot of times we don’t understand the spiritual laws that God follows, so we have questions about why things didn’t go as we planned. We will say some scriptures in prayer, not knowing about covenants that need to be broken in order for the scripture to work. We also don’t consider that we may have sin in our lives that is blocking the prayer from being answered.

There can be so many different reasons why you are not getting the results you want. If you want to get to the bottom of it, keep reading so we can resolve why some of your prayers are not getting answered. 

It’s Not God’s Will

Saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42

What you’re praying for may detour you from the path that God has for you. It may not be safe for you in the long run, so God will deny it. We have to remember God is all knowing, and He will never grant us things that will put us in an inferior position spiritually or physically. 

You may pray for a certain car and God says no. You may not understand why, but He knows that the car you’re asking for is beautiful, but it’s going to have engine issues in a year. So He may decline or direct you on another path. 

It’s critical that we constantly pray God’s will for our life. We have to put down our agenda and ask God, what is it You want for me? If you go with God’s will for your life, you will never go wrong. 

In the end, looking back at going with God’s will, you be always grateful that you allowed God to choose for you. He never fails us.

You Are Not Hitting The Target In Prayer

This is a major key to why your prayers aren’t getting answered. You could pray to make the symptom of an issue go away, but you are not hitting the correct target of the issue. The problem could be a generational curse, word curse, evil covenant that was established and you were unaware of it. 

Why aren't my prayers being answered

Generational Curse — A generational curse usually comes from an evil covenant one of your ancestors established with the devil. When making a covenant with the devil, the generations to come are also included in the covenant. 

The generations that are included have to break the evil covenant off their lives to be free from the curse that was placed on them. I go into detail about generational covenants in this blog article. 

Word Curse — Someone may have placed a word curse on you, and you may have come into agreement with it. If you do not break the word curses spoke over your life, you will live them. 

People put word curses on children the most! Someone may have said that child will be no good, just like so-and-so. If the child grows up and never breaks that word curse, their life will be a complete replica of so-and-so. That person will not be able to figure out why his or her’s life can never get on track, no matter what they do. If you or someone you know is doing everything to move their lives forward and nothing is happening, seek God for the root problem.

Read more about word curses and how to break them in this article! 

Evil Covenants — Evil covenants are any agreements you’ve made with a god outside of Jesus Christ. This includes fraternities, sorority, free mason, eastern stars, and any other secret occult societies. It also includes going to witches, reading horoscopes, burning sage, looking to crystals for healing and so on. Any time you are looking for a spiritual result from a source outside of Jesus, you are in error.

You cannot have a covenant with Jesus and Apollo, Atlas, or Minerva. Choose ye this day whom you will serve. When you go into covenant with the Greek gods, you come out of covenant with Jesus. Your prayers aren’t being answered because you have two gods. God made it very clear He will not have any other gods before Him (or in His presence). Ask Dagon 1 Samuel 5:2-4. He made it clear that He is a jealous God. This is why He punished the Children of Israel so many times. They were serving other gods. He is the same God today. Baphomet and your Greek gods are other gods! 

The only person you should pledge to is Jesus. The only brotherhood you should take part in is the body of Christ. Hence, why we call each other brothers and sisters. What can your secret society do for you that God can’t?

Evil covenants also include, going to witches, wizards, and sorcerers for spiritual advice or deeds. You can have an evil covenant by indulging in willful sin as well. 

If you or any of your direct descendants are in secret societies or go to spiritual sources outside of Jesus Christ, then this could be the cause of your prayer not being answered. 

We can also make evil covenant in your dreams. Break all evil covenants or agreements you have because this is what the demons hold on to to arrest your prayers. They have the legal right to stop you because you are in covenant with them. You can’t defeat the devil if you are holding his hand. 

Get To The Root of The Problem Not The Fruit

Your prayers aren’t being answered because you keep praying for the fruit to go away instead of the root to be destroyed. The root of the issue could be envy and bitterness. The fruit can be bone marrow cancer. The sickness is the symptom, not the root.

A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones.
Proverbs 14:30 (NKJV)

Think about a tree. The root of the tree is underground, it cannot be seen. Sure, some parts of the root are above ground, but the majority of the roots are underground. As it grows up, it gets wider and taller. Then one day it may sprout fruit. 

If you pluck all of the fruit off the tree because you don’t like that fruit, then the fruit will be gone until it grows back. 

Then you will have to pluck fruit every year. 

It’s the same with a spiritual issue. If you keep praying, Lord, please help me get rid of this sickness or poverty spirit. You are just asking for the symptoms to go away. Seek God for what is the root of the concern. This goes back to hitting the correct target in prayer. Is the root a generational curse or an evil covenant? 

Dig up the root of the tree. If the tree is not planted in the ground, and it has been dug up and knocked over, then the fruit will never grow back. 

Even if you cut the tree down to the stump, there is a chance a little stem will begin to grow from the stump. What is that little stem spiritually? The problem you have may not happen in your life anymore, but it will show up in your children’s or grandchildren’s lives. 

Here are some prayer points you can use in your prayer time too get to the root of the problem:

  • Lord reveal unto me the blockage of my breakthrough
  • Lord reveal unto me the secrets of my life
  • Lord reveal unto me the root of the problem
  • Lord reveal unto me the solution to the problem

May Not Be The Season For It Yet

All of the prophets told you the same thing, but it hasn’t come to the past yet. You may not have matured in the things of God, so you are not ready for what you are praying for yet. 

God informed Abraham, he and Sarah would have a baby, and it didn’t happen until twenty-five years later. It wasn’t the season! He also told Abraham that he would have as many seeds as the stars in the sky and Abraham didn’t live to see that prophecy but it happened. 

David, Isaiah, John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus. David and Isaiah didn’t live to see Him, but John the Baptist did. 

If God told you, He was going to do something, or you are praying for breakthrough, ask Him are you in the season to receive it. 

You Haven’t Followed The First Set Of Instructions God Has Given You!

I’m so guilty of this! God is quick to tell me, “What is the last thing I told you to do?” Lord, please forgive me, I’m going to do it right now, is always my answer. Haha! 

It never fails. As soon as I complete the instructions He gave me, I get my breakthrough. The instructions He gave me was the solution to the prayer! If I would have just did what He told me in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to pray. He is truly all knowing. 

God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. 

Many times, we don’t feel like doing the works God told us to do, or we get distracted. We cannot allow the things of this world to distract us from getting our Godly agendas completed. The worldly matters come second to God. 

Try to journal everything God tells you. If He gives you instructions, write them down in a planner with a due date. Make sure you are getting these tasks done so you can go to the next level in God. 

If we complete the task God instructed us to do, when He asked us to do it, we would not have to pray for a lot of things because it would just fall into place. 

I pray this articles has helped you identify why your prayers aren’t being answered. I pray you can take from this and apply it your life and you get amazing results from it. 

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani! 

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  1. You know you preached TODAY! Deal with the root, not the fruit!! Praying curse breaking prayers as well as asking God what is His will and His time frame. How about gone and follow the LAST instruction He gave you? Then He can give you the next step. Come on in here, somebody!!

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