Maintaining A Discipline and Consistent Prayer Life

Maintaining a discipline and consistent prayer life is HARD but obtainable. THE most valuable asset in your walk with GOD is your prayer life. So make no second thoughts about it, your prayer life is the first thing that the devil is going to come after.

When it’s time to pray, your flesh and the devil will team up together to stop you from praying. You’ll began to think about the laundry, the kid’s homework, and taking the meat out of the freezer for tomorrow’s dinner. Anything that can be thought of, will come to your mind when it’s time to pray.

Don’t let this trick of the enemy fool you. There is a reason Jesus said “Pray without ceasing”. He said it because it’s necessary to stay close to God and to stay far from the devil.

Today, I going to share five ways to keep your fire hot at all times! We don’t do luke warm around here!

Schedule Your Prayer Times

Set a routine! When I gave my life to Jesus almost three years ago, I automatically knew that prayer is priority. I was raised in church as a child but I did not have a relationship with Jesus until I was 33. I knew that pray was apart of Christianity but I never did it on my own and I never took it seriously until I had to.

I’ve always been the girl that’s 100% in or 100% out. I don’t do luke warm in any area of my life, even before I got saved! So, when I made the decision to be 100% in with Jesus. I went all in. I set alarms in my phone for 4:00am , 7:00am (corporate prayer line), 12:00pm (scripture confessions), 5:00pm, and 9:00pm prayer. No matter what or where I was at I stopped and prayed! I would go to my car to get away to talk to God. 

I made that commitment for one year and my life changed drastically!! My family members were getting healed and set free from demonic spirits. My relationship with God was growing and growing! I was getting to know his character traits, prophetic downloads, revelations, dreams, dreams and more dreams!! The dreams I was getting were manifesting in real life.

I was learning God’s voice and He was speaking. Boy oh boy was He speaking to me! It was the best thing that ever happened to me. To this day my favorite thing about my relationship with God is our conversations. All of that came from never missing those prayer times and making sure I showed up! Consistency is key! Remember that!

I made a commitment to God and I knew He was waiting on me to show up to our prayer date so, I couldn’t miss it! Every time I would come to prayer, he would tell me things! As I continue my walk with Him the prophecies He shared with me weeks before were unfolding before my eyes. He kept me wanting more so, I showed up no matter what.

Pray When The Holy Spirit Prompts You To Pray

Now, setting my schedule got me in the honeymoon stage with God. I use to joke with my mom that God was “My God” and I didn’t want to share Him. God really is the love of my life and that first year got me here. Now on the other hand, the hater of all haters, started doing what? Hating on me!

The enemy and his monitoring spirits started taking note of when I would pray and would make things happen at that time. I started experiencing out of the ordinary sleepiness in the morning and started oversleeping, missing my morning prayers. Both of them! My job began to work overtime so I was missing my 5:00pm prayer. It was bad! I was feeling very guilty and ashamed that I was missing my prayer dates until, God said restrategize!

So I began praying when the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray and it worked! The Holy Spirit is your guide. He will always lead you in the right direction.

Before You Pray, Have a List of Who and What You Are Going To Pray For

It’s a horrible feeling to make a schedule, get up early to pray, and then you can’t think of anything to pray about. Get a prayer journal create a list and ask God, who does He want on your list as well. When God gives you the list of things and people He wants you to pray for, don’t stop praying for them until you see a breakthrough. Scratch it off the list and add something else.

THE NUMBER ONE PERSON/PEOPLE WHO SHOULD BE ON YOUR LIST IS YOUR ENEMIES!!! Put them on the list and pray that God blesses them with salvation and things that they need.

 The reason I said ask the Holy Spirit who to pray for is because, it causes you to be intimate with Him and sometimes He has already turned some people over to a reprobate mind. God knows everything, so he knows whether a person is going to make Jesus Lord over their life or not. He also will direct you on how to pray for them.

Many people that you know, live secret lives that you don’t know about and may have made evil agreements. So it’s good to check in with God and ask Him who, how, and what to pray for.

 Gather Scriptures. Remind God Of His Word

When it’s time to go to war, NEVER show up without your sword! This is the Word Of GOD! The devil melts like butter on a hot skillet when you start calling out God’s precious word! Life and death is in the power of the tongue! Which one will you speak?

Speak life! The Word Of God is life!! The devil and his pee-ons can’t take it.  Whatever it is that you are petitioning God for, have all of the scriptures regarding it and say them through out the day! You will end up memorizing them and saying them in your sleep. Watch how your life and the people you are praying for live’s change once you start speaking the Word Of God. It’s so powerful! 

Conversations with God

Finally, my favorite type of prayer. Just having a plain old conversation with God, like you are on the phone with your dad, because you are! I talk to God about everything. Down to what he thinks I should wear that day. What I should eat, He even pushes me in the gym like a trainer.

Get in the habit of asking Him about everything. Especially the little things. Don’t just ask Him is this the man I should marry, is this the house I should buy? Ask Him should I eat at this restaurant? What do You think I should buy my spouse for their birthday? It’s a relationship!!

Jesus said the church is His bride! Jesus also gave us a parable about how God is our Father. It’s all about getting intimate with God and letting God use you for His glory!

Prayer Hack

If you ever find it hard to get into God’s presence when its time to pray, its because you were filling your eye gate, ear gate, and spirit man with things that are not Godly. It’s so much easier to pray and worship when you have been praying, listening to the word, a sermon, or worship music all day.

Read Three Prayer Strategies to Elevate Your Prayer Life and What Are Offensive Prayer And Defensive Prayers to really take your prayer life to the next level!

Let’s make a challenge! Try these tips for 30 days straight and let’s see how your prayer life changes. I would love to hear back from you to hear how these tips help you. Using these tips help me tremendously and I pray they bless you, the way they blessed me. 

With Love,

Your Sister Tiffani! 

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